Air Game Rule
in what world do we live in where a 100 school girls get abducted and it is not main stream news? Does black African life have any less value? In what world do we live in where a people use a religion that has been historically used to dehumanize them, use it to kill each other. Where are the Muslims who speak out against these acts of barbarism? We have not heard on fukking peep from the practitioners of the so called religion of "peace". In what country is the lack of security so prevalent that 100 children can get abducted within the blink of an eye? Why have the Nigerian people not called their corrupt government to task? There are all sorts of dynamics to this event that really leaves you questioning the world we live in.
I feel you but do we hear a " peep" from christians speaking out against the WBC (obviously no comparison but they're religous radicals too) antics and people of their ilk? Even if muslims spoke out, would the media give 2 shyts about that "peep". Probably not enough for anyone to hear it.