In the end, we're in a worldwide pandemic, skepticism be damned. If people wanted to reject the vaccine but continue to social distance and wear a mask, that's one thing. At least in that scenario, that's reasonable, even though I think people should opt for the best possible route for protection. But I can't force that. Plus, that's how we survived up until we did have vaccines ready to go.
However, many people who are anti-vax are ALSO anti-mask, anti-social distancing and are wanting to continue living their lives like we're not fighting off variants every other month. And I get it. I want life to go back to 2019. I think everyone does. But the fact of the matter is that the virus is out there and is fukking people up in real time, and not having consideration for the other man is exactly why we're still here. I don't feel like taking the risk of catching COVID and hoping my immune system can tank it. Even more so, I don't like the possibility of having long-haul COVID symptoms even half a year down the line. I also don't want my reckless actions to end up getting someone I care about sick and possibly killing them. So I took the vaccine.
If people don't want to be vaccinated, then they should be okay with being tested multiple times a week and wear their masks as an alternative, but they don't want that either. It's just being straight up inconsiderate, and if that's what they wanna do, fine. But then they shouldn't complain when people don't want to be around them and have scornful words for them. When you don't give a fukk about other people, how can you expect people to give a fukk about you? That's how freedom works.
This virus doesn't give a fukk about religion, appearance or any of that. If it did, it would be contained to certain locations and it would be their problem. But it's not. It's everyone's problem. And at this point, everyone should be more than educated on the basics in terms of how to maneuver through these times. So if these celebrities are going to choose to not get vaccinated, then oh well, their choice. At least don't push out misinformation that could actually influence the young and impressionable.