i've seen many people say this. what is the evidence that black people were the original jews?You gotta operate in code and play chess. We are the original Jews. Not only do our souls resonate with God but our intellect and emotions as well. Hide your cards until you have a royal flush. Why do you think I'm cool with colonizing cacs like @Sccit on this board? His ancestry worships a black man and bows down to the sun that melanates our skin. Let them Persians empower themselves for the time being.
i remember we had some c00n ass poster who was shytting on her on this very site when she died i forgot his @ but if i find it i let you know
Jews, Egyptians, it's all subjective since they lived together, looked the same and shared similar stories with the names changed i.e., Ra/God.i've seen many people say this. what is the evidence that black people were the original jews?
Disgusting.when you look into all the trademarks they own. coming 2 america, stood out to me. then i googled the correspondent, and this is her, KAYDI OSOWSKI. a young white woman (possibly a member of the tribe) who owns 743 various intellectual properties, no telling how many are black created.