Follow me to the truth
Didnt she blow up from getting in an accident and thats the reason she's as big as she is?
She's not recovering from this.
She's not recovering from this.
I think so but she had a chance to slim down prior to the body shaming movement she was getting articles written about her she embraced the role and I'm assuming management wanted her to be a Vader type for the division.Didnt she blow up from getting in an accident and thats the reason she's as big as she is?
She's not recovering from this.
Yeah it’s a shame cuz as much as I dislike nia it really shoulda been her vs Becky as the program after Wrestlemania
Yeah it’s a shame cuz as much as I dislike nia it really shoulda been her vs Becky as the program after Wrestlemania
i think this is what many of us fans have naturally suggested. Even we are saying they need time off as characters and for their health.wrestlers need a revolving 3 month offseason.
like you got group #1 becky, alexa, seth, new day get off May - July then
group #2 like roman, ronda, charlotte, etc. get July - September off.
or even just random 1 month breaks
She looks like a man so if she lost 30 pounds she would look like a skinnier man.She already pretty in the face. I can only imagine what she'll look like if she dropped about 30 pounds.
Nia is out of shape. She isn’t athletic, she is too overweight. She isn’t a work horse just an out of shape overweight woman. Dana has no talent or charisma. She needs to be devoured , if she goes to impact or slimmer and develop then she can comeback.i think this is what many of us fans have naturally suggested. Even we are saying they need time off as characters and for their health.
Also, WWE needs to use more of their roster more. You got people like Dana begging to be on TV and Nia out here blowing out her knees. We don't need to see some of these people weekly, they need to be protected from character burnout.
She already pretty in the face. I can only imagine what she'll look like if she dropped about 30 pounds.
No joke, mom walked into my room during Mania as Nia and Tamina were making their way down the ring. I told her Nia is Rock's cousin and she said, "the one that looks like a man?She looks like a man so if she lost 30 pounds she would look like a skinnier man.