All the ones I've played so far are good.
Infamous is great.
Resistance 1 was fantastic, Resistance 2 was where it was stripped
of much of it's identity and I haven't beaten part 3 yet.
Killzone 2 was great but there was little to break up all of the
shooting. Killzone 3 was fantastic the multiplayer was great
but I feel it lost a bit of it's character in the transition to Killzone 3,
the single player was great right up to the ending which I won't spoil
for anyone but I'd say it's one of the worst endings I've sat through.
Metal Gear Solid 4 was great.
The Uncharted trilogy was great, despite the weak story in part 3.
Heavy Rain was fun.
Heavenly sword was great but really short.
Little Big Planet I didn't find all that enjoyable but
then again I only played for like an hour or two tops.
I'm not saying they're all terrible just that certain ones
fall short.
The Killzone series was fun but it's no Crysis or Halo and
I feel they borrowed to much from COD in KZ3.
Uncharted was fantastic but there were certainly
other well done third person shooters this gen like the Mass Effect Trilogy (which is has a lot more depth) and the Gears Of War Trilogy.
Resistance 1 was fantastic, damn good first try at an FPS but then
R2 came around and a lot of great features were stripped.
There's a lot of variety I just feel Sony isn't the only company offering it.
And u still missing a lot of PS3 exclusives...theres still a bunch that aint make the list...and and the Killzones imo have been better than all the Halo's after the second one imo.....this 4th one was crack tho...the good thing about it is..atleast THERE IS a wide variety of exclusives...and they not all shooters..where majority of them are good to great..barely any of them are trash...I would rather have that than barely any at all...not every game has to be a classic to be worth playing...