I hate these throwing less flags fans.
What they aren't calling hurts the game. The Jets receivers were getting MUGGED against the Steelers and they were not called. Then they call a bs PI on the Steelers to make up for it.
The Ravens were hurt by these scab refs calling holding rather than Pass Interference calls.
These guys are not throwing flags at times they should. teams are getting away with rubs on crossing routes. This hurts the integrity of the game.
Congrats on enjoying timid refs gathering around a camp fire every five seconds, extending the game just to make sure they got a call right.
Exactly this isn't the 70s anymore I dont need tatum type hits these guys are still humans who shouldn't die for our enjoyment . The problem is a lot of teams don't play good defense and this is a crutch especially the rubs and excessive jersey pulling . How is the ravens , steelers , texans , 9ers, giants ( on occasion ) can play good d with the rules ,? I don't need to see unnecessary dirty hits that knock people out see how those old players complain about concussions ?
I like the rules they open up scoring and it's more of a chess match than before between teams . Not just mugging receivers at the line like the old pats