herschel walker winter olympics though but his speed was perfect for bobsledding.
Jeff Demps and Chris Rainey on the same team at Florida
Both were on the UF track team and won a national championship in track. In football Rainey ran an official 4.37 and was rumored to have run faster
Demps was next level fast tho. Won silver on the 4x100 relay at the 2012 Olympics. He didn’t run the final but that was the Gatlin-Gay squad that lost to Bolt and Jamaica. So he was a member of maybe the fastest US squad ever
Michael Carter: Silver in the shot put in 84 in Los Angeles, 3x All pro, pro bowl and SB champ as a DT w/ the 49ers
The conversation starts and stops right there. He is also the reason the NFL developed the zone defense.“Bullet“ Bob Hayes
Gold in the 100 meters at the 1964 Olympics and gold in the 4x100
The only person to have a Super Bowl and an Olympic gold medal. Also the first person to run the 100 in under 10 seconds.
James Lofton was another one. He is in the NFL Hall of Fame and he won the NCAA championship in the long jump in 1978 and he ran the 200 at 20.05.With the Olympics just ending and NFL season around the corner it got me thinking how many athletes have competed at the top level in both, so lets see if we can get complete list for reference
Off the top of my head:
Micheal Bates: Bronze in the 200m at the 92 games at Barcelona, 3x all pro and 5x Pro bowler as a kick returner from 96-00
James Jett: Gold in the 4x100 in Barcelona, played WR for the Raiders from 93-02
Michael Carter: Silver in the shot put in 84 in Los Angeles, 3x All pro, pro bowl and SB champ as a DT w/ the 49ers
Marquise Goodwin: Competed in the long jump at the '12 games in London, 10+ years in th eleague as a WR
Idgaf what anyone says Randy Moss could of been Usain Bolt before Usain Bolt.
Humans that tall shouldn't be that fast. Also peep how he picks up speed with every stride....I'm telling you that man would of been a gold medal runner in the Olympics
They weren't 6'4. The real reason why Bolt(6'5) has the record is because he picks up speed due to his long legs, like Moss. Olmypic sprint isn't a 40yd dash which is great for the shorter athletes you listed but over 100m I think Moss smokes all of them.....I can't be the only one who sees this.In truth he might not have been as fast as Deion Sanders, Bo Jackson, Eric dikkerson or Darrell Green. Another fast guy was Tony Dorsett, but he wasn't as fast as those other guys.
Eric dikkerson was "6'3" 225. Bo Jackson was "6'2" 240.They weren't 6'4.