He's going to put tariffs of between 60-100% on China.
China's purchasing power parity is higher.
China produces 20x more steel, 35x more cement and produces over 200x the ships that America does. Not to mention the fact that not only do they make a ton of the shyt Americans buy here, they've exported their factories to nearby countries in Asia, doubling their capacity.
America COULD compete if it embraces immigration because the VAST majority of immigrants are in customer service, tech, healthcare, and agricultural production. But he was elected to essentially cut America's productive capacity by deporting undocumented AND documented workers to try and whiten the country. He wants immigration from European countries, but why the fukk would a German, Dutch, finnish or swedish person give up their cheap drugs, healthcare, access to European markets, higher minimum wage, and better legislation on tech and big business?
White women are having several times less children. Forcing them to carry pregnancies that aren't viable means that you've just killed a current worker AND a future worker when they die from complications, or she's never able to have another child again because she couldn't get help fast enough.
While America was busy giving tax cuts to the fossil fuel industry and plans to double down on oil, China got its people to work building solar panels and driving down the cost of green tech which they're then selling to countries in Asia and Africa that are building their industrial sector. Those countries are also sending their young people abroad to study. If China wants to surpass America in tech, they'll recruit students and established American scientists who don't want to stay on a sinking ship. Magaism is more focused on the past, whilst scientists are focused on the future.
In the short term, oil will be cheap when drilling starts in Alaska and other areas that were supposed to be preserved for ecological reasons. But even then? That benefits China because they buy oil. If the global oil prices are cheaper, they'll buy petroleum from any country that isn't putting tariffs on them like Venezuela or Iran, giving China even more oil to use in manufacturing.
There ain't no competition. This election will be studied in history books as the moment that America's century of economic dominance began to fall. This is a turning point in American history. The rest of the world will have to figure out how they can survive climate change and keep their youth employed and happy while America is bullshytting around.
The only way out of this is massive regulation on wall street. You have to increase the federal minimum wage, change interest rates, and essentially FORCE big business to cut management pay, shareholder dividends, and focus purely on reinvesting in the business by hiring more workers at competitive wages. You have to regulate big pharma and expand Medicare coverage so drugs are heavily subsidized and medical debt is severely minimized. You have to focus on rehabilitation within prisons so that when people serve their time, they can be hired to work federal projects at the federal minimum wage which is high enough to provide a stable lifestyle. You have to crack down SEVERELY on white supremacy ro unlock the full potential of black people who are much younger on average than the white population and have higher fertility rates. Lives are wasted by white supremacy having its claws in the prison industrial complex and law enforcement as a whole. Root that cancer out.
Until America does that, it's over. We have just list dominance in this century unless we turn this shyt around with the level of seriousness that someone like FDR did. But white people and c00ns of all races decided to elect the exact OPPOSITE of the kind of leader that is needed. Key parts of our government will be staffed by fukking hacks and clowns.