Correction... Dominicans have African heritageDominicans are black b.
Correction... Dominicans have African heritageDominicans are black b.
Was just trolling, people can be with who they wanna be with and I made up the c00nette word on the spot, don't worry about my raceNot sure if you are Black but I can rock with c00nettes
Dominicans are black b.
You're right.the ese in your avi aint black compadre
To be clear, this is really the point I was trying to share.I really don't like bedwench being used on this site to describe a Black woman who dates white men....
This article reiterates that Black women were stolen, sold, held captive in the homes of slave owners and raped
The two are not conceptually congruent
And this is a woat thread title
Well being in HAITI I'd imagine so... Geez Louise... Dominicans not Black now? How the fucc is a Spanish speaking Haitian NOT Black?Correction... Dominicans have African heritage
The coli wants latinos to be black when it's convenient. Then wants to shyt on them when it's not.Well being in HAITI I'd imagine so... Geez Louise... Dominicans not Black now? How the fucc is a Spanish speaking Haitian NOT Black?
I really don't like bedwench being used on this site to describe a Black woman who dates white men....
This article reiterates that Black women were stolen, sold, held captive in the homes of slave owners and raped
The two are not conceptually congruent
And this is a woat thread title
To be fair I changed the thread title.It's a fitting title to denote how shameful the act is.
To be clear, this is really the point I was trying to share.
Well being in HAITI I'd imagine so... Geez Louise... Dominicans not Black now? How the fucc is a Spanish speaking Haitian NOT Black?
Not all are black.Dominicans are black b.
A redditor posted a picture of a newspaper from 1799 and the website Imgur asked her to take it down because it was offensive.
Here's the post:
Offensive Newspaper from 1799 • /r/history
I work at a historic interpretive center. One of our guests recently came across this newspaper: Imgur and has asked that it be removed because it is offensive. How would you respond to this request? What can I do to change this awkward situation into something we all can learn from? P.s. It probably doesn't need to be said, but I am not going to take down the paper.
Edit: I just wanted to thank all of you who contributed to such a great conversation. I am glad that something so good came of such an awkward request. I have used your advise to construct my reply to the offended party. Please, forgive me for not sharing any more information about my organization. And again, thank you I never anticipated the thoughtfulness of so many people.
Crazy how things were in this country
But if you're Black then your Black. You're on the same island as Haiti and separated by some invisible line. There are more Black people in "Latin America" than in the USA. Brasil has more Blacks than any other country except Nigeria. Colombia is 25% Black. There ARE whites in the Latin world, but Dominicans are not most of them. You can have 15 fuccin levels of color, but you're still a Spanish speaking Haitian. I'm not quite sure how you can't see that in the mirror? Pasados de esclavos. It is what it is. The non-Black Latinos will get that work all day every day and the self hating Black Latinos will also get that work. We don't care what KIND of ***** you ARE... But you're still a ****** that can speak really really awful Spanish.The coli wants latinos to be black when it's convenient. Then wants to shyt on them when it's not.
All the indigenous people were DEAD in Hispaniola when the slave trading started please STAHP.Not all are black.
Some are indigenous/Euro mix.
If you're the latter,you're the last person who needs to be referring to our ancestors lightheartedly as "bedwench"
Shyt was rape.Plain and simple.
bedwenches have no shame in their gameI would bet anything this ad was answered by a wench, however I am surprised there was need for an ad![]()