need for inclusion is the biggest reason young people fall into bad circlesWhat a Disgusting comment

need for inclusion is the biggest reason young people fall into bad circlesWhat a Disgusting comment
It’s unclear to me how the system is “keeping them out”.
Is the screening exam itself biased against minorities in some way?
... and how exactly is lumping all kids together better for society than cultivating those who show greater aptitude?
Nose spiting face...![]()
Yes the article is unclear about that. But the fact still remains those kids are being kept out. So society only cultivating only certain groups of kids is good for society how? Especially in this era of inequality of: wealth, income, and resources.
Explain in detail how this in and of itself is racist.
I think they should do like Florida test all second graders, and let the chips fall where they may.
As long as the process is fair, i dont care what the results are.
As someone who went through the GP in Florida you should rethink that first post breh. I dont know how they do in New York but down here Gifted was the biggest waste of time. Only thing I developed was an extraordinary talent for skipping mandatory meetings and never getting in trouble for it. Gifted is lip service if you don't have an educstor who knows how to teach the course. It was cool when I was young but when you get to Middle and High school it's largely a jokeSeems like we are moving away from cultivating our best and brightest, in favor inclusionand making people feel better.
Other academics say the stratification caused by ambiguously defined talent produces damaging levels of segregation. When students of varying abilities work together, lower-performing students do better, research shows, without slowing the progress of average and high-achieving students.
Lol fukk New York City. This shyt is ridiculous . Increase opportunity and resources for blacks and Hispanics to get into these programs, don’t break your noice to spite your face.
These programs take high achieving students and put them in environments where they can really be pushed. Forcing these kids in classrooms where the fukkups are gonna be acting out is a disservice to higher education. It's derailing these kids getting ready for college.
Seems like we are moving away from cultivating our best and brightest, in favor inclusionand making people feel better.
Doing away with GAT programs or specialized schools is well meaning social engineering, and ultimately wrong.
Can the four of you point to evidence that gifted students are actually hurt by not being in gifted programs? It's a tool for segregation and a way to kiss-up to the most involved parents. LOL at "social engineering" as if segregated certain kids out into their own special classrooms isn't "social engineering."
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I remember when Inglewood started the "City Honors" school because all the motivated parents were leaving to charter schools. It was the dumbest idea and it didn't help anyone, it just calmed the parents cause their kids weren't in school with the "bad kids" anymore. They should have been working to make ALL the schools better, not just segregating out some children, giving them the best teachers, and leaving the rest to rot in schools that are crap.
challenge the commonsense premise that high IQ children will not fulfill their full potential by remaining in classes that are too slow for them, brehs.
you should slap yourself for even suggesting such dumbass nonsense. Not all segregation is bad.
In the 1970s, Finland embarked on a comprehensive reform of its education system. The reforms engineered a shift away from a highly centralized “Germanic” system that tracked students early. With its reforms, Finland moved instead to a system that keeps all students in the same track through age 16. Another key feature is that the Finnish system draws teacher candidates from the top of the ability distribution, trains teachers well, and lets them design the curriculum around very lean national standards.
After the reforms, Finland’s education system indeed delivered strong results. Most famously, its 15-year-old students performed at or near the top of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) from 2000 through 2009.
Think that New York is gonna radically revamp its educational model brehs. Finland and Poland aren’t comparable examples."not all segregation is bad"
Like I said, "read four decades of research that disagrees with your intuitive assumptions".
Or how about looking at the countries that have done it:
Even the Wall Street Journal of all people had to give props: What makes Finnish students so smart?
Poland showed similar results - its students performed far better after tracking ended.
If the class is "too slow for you", then something is already wrong. What does "too slow" even mean? Classroom activities should be engaging at any speed, when you claim something is "too slow", it indicated you're already assuming a teacher-centered content-delivery model that belongs with the horse-and-carriage era. Modern curriculum with any degree of competence are focused on discovery activities, group projects, interactive lessons, material that challenges the entire classroom. If all you getting out of school is the teacher explaining shyt slowly in front of the class, you already lost.
Quick life lesson. Almost none of the material you learn in high school matters for shyt. You can go 10 times as fast as me and learn 10 times as many facts, and it's all meaningless. Hell, even in the gifted program most of the stuff you learned at that age is probably wrong or misleadingly simplified anyway - that goes for science, history, literature, all of it. What matters isn't how "fast" you go or how "many" things you learn, it's whether or not you learn to think right, be creative, solve problems, work with other people, express your ideas, listen to others, etc. And you can do all that no matter what the skill level of your classmates is.
Like I said, I went to an under-performing public school every year of my life all the way through 12th grade. No gifted classes ever. And it took months for me to start kicking the ass of the same kids who went to the best California and New Hampshire private schools and New York and Philly gifted public schools. All that extra stuff has very little to do with your future life outcomes so long as you get opportunities and drive.
LOL at "social engineering" as if segregated certain kids out into their own special classrooms isn't "social engineering."
They should have been working to make ALL the schools better, not just segregating out some children, giving them the best teachers, and leaving the rest to rot in schools that are crap.
Quick life lesson. Almost none of the material you learn in high school matters for shyt. You can go 10 times as fast as me and learn 10 times as many facts, and it's all meaningless.