New whistleblower comes out with UFO program information to Congress. Program name is called "Immaculate Constellation"


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
damn @Professor Emeritus I even @'d a skeptic and he wont even defend you on that previous post lol you blatantly tried to lie and gaslight. wow. you'll probably disappear from this thread soon also xD

Everyone is starting to see that fakkit Rhakim's bullshyt tactics now. I tried to tell y'all. Me and @Sccit been saying it for years


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
Hey @Geordi you have a different perspective so i'll ask you....because @Professor Emeritus will try and spin this. (it will be hard}

did he not say always in this post? Am I crazy lmao He literally said always. not sometimes, always.

and he said NO ONE reported flying saucers; and I immediately gave him a example of an event where flying saucers were described lol and he had no *real* retort.

what a fukking liar. He almost gaslighted his way out of that. wowww
Bro hes a fukking idiot.

He sais ufos appear with human tech

Literally books from the 1700s of all documented sightings from antiquity. I was looking for the book in my viewer but its stuck in a bs outdated app cant find og name off hand. I know i have it on here.

Wonders in the sky jcque valee documents these in a modern book. I had the OG 1600s-1700s book i showed my grandmother last year now i cant find it searching and archive down. Ill get it.

But literally ufos/airships/etc been seen pre history from Sumerian to irish annals to 1700/1800s. Ufos did not start in the 40s with rocket tech lmao. What a foolish thing to say. He talking about rockets like thats not when VIDEO first came out. First time we could document literally ANYTHING. I guess nothing was real pre cameras.

People who need video and pic evidence of everything have never experienced anything bigger than themselves. Posting on the internet all day will do that to ya. These dudes need fresh air, maybe an alien/demon will actually see them when they leave the basement. I thought coli was anti cave dwellar?

Bragging about working with nasa like we dont see their videos gravity fail in our faces but they want literal aliens sitting down for an interview. Noone on here working on this shyt and then talking to us about it lmao. People like that dont have time for the coli nor do they waste their time explaining these things. They have more important things to do. Noone who posts on the coli is EVER working on spaceships/aliens/etc; let alone brag about it. Lmao.

So smart dumb muthafukker alert. Dont argue with fools who assume they are smarter than everybody else. He is intellectually dishonest. I see it all the time.
Last edited:


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Bro hes a fukking idiot.

He sais ufos appear with human tech

Literally books from the 1700s of all documented sightings from antiquity. I was looking for the book in my viewer but its stuck in a bs app cant find og name

Wonders in the sky jcque valee documents these in a modern book. I had the OG i just gotta find the og french name.

But literally ufos/airships/etc been seen pre history from Sumerian to irish annals to 1700/1800s. Ufos did not start in the 40s with rocket tech lmao. What a foolish thing to say.

People who need video and pic evidence of everything have never experienced anything bigger than themselves. Posting on the internet all day will do that to ya. These dudes need fresh air, maybe an alien/demon will actually see them when they leave the basement.
Sumerians were the first to talk about it:hubie:


Jul 6, 2018

Rick n Morty been good for 7 seasons nikka catch yo ass up again:ufdup:

Nah… in all actuality, you would need more than a Top Secret for this shyt from what ive read online
If somebody posts a compelling piece of evidence I'd try to have an open mind about it.


Mar 10, 2014
I gotta rewatch jesse ventura's conspiracy tv show again. It made me laugh so much with all the stupidity.

Mythologies have existed as long as human have existed. Aliens are one of those mythologies. There might be someone else far far away from us. But none of that shyt got ever caught on earth. You mean aliens are traveling years and years to the earth to play peek-a-boo with humans?

The funniest part of aliens is how people find those top secret facilities, where there is some technology being made, that's secured from spies, etc. And conspiracy theorists start claiming it's so top secret because they keep aliens inside :mjlol: "Why would a top secret place exist on earth? Why can't I know what's happening there?"

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
The majority of the people on that list (8 out of 15) aren't even scientists.

Of the 7 people on the list who are even involved with STEM, 2 are computer programmers (didn't you tell me that computer programmers like Mick West know nothing about UFOs?), one is an immunologist, and one is an oceanographer. In other words, the four of them have professions that don't have jack shyt to do with UFOs and are only involved in UFOs as a hobby on the side.

That brings us to 3 people.

Dr. Beatriz Villarroel, a postdoc in astronomy who searches for alien signatures in distant stars. So far as I know, she's never made any claims whatsoever about aliens visiting Earth.

Dr. Eric Davis, a quack who works for fringe UFO/paranormal groups like the "Institute for Advanced Studies" and "National Institute for Discovery Science". He's been doing the UFO circuits for decades and always makes fantastic claims that he can never prove.

Eric Shrock, a researcher at Lockheed Martin. From the bio they posted, it seems like he's there to argue that UAPs may simply be advanced human technology and not alien in nature.

That's it. In your effort to prove that the scientific community believes in UFOs, you posted a conference headlining 8 people who aren't scientists, 4 who were in totally unrelated fields that have nothing to do with UFOs, 2 who don't aren't even cosigning any ideas about aliens on Earth, and 1 well-established quack.

Thank you for helping prove my point better than I could. :russ:

Ok this shows me you're being intellectually dushonest.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
I simply ask are the government and other professionals taking their time to investigate other figments of people's imagination? Are they actively investigating flat earth? Are they holding congress on Lemuria?

That Professor guy is being very dishonest and intentionally obtuse. And I've only seen that with people doing it for religious reasons.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
you know what I realized...I want everyone to see exactly how dishonest @Professor Emeritus really is, and actually hopes you won't look back at his posts.

My initial response to him was about this comment he made:

now note that he said ALWAYS. which I disagreed with and said there are definitely sighting descriptions that describe tech that is outside their time period.

tell me why...a few pages later he says this:


but...look at this dude's original post...he literally said ALWAYS. He's a fukking liar. and will gaslight you and distort arguments. I should've just called back his post earlier. wow.

You either have the worst reading comprehension in the world or don't speak English as a first language. :mjlol:

Look at the actual quotes:

It's bizarre, btw, that waves of UFO sightings follow advances in human technology, isn't it? We're getting these waves of little UFOs messing with military operations at the exact time manmade drones become prevalent. Crop circles got intricate and technical at the exact moment that computer drafting and GPS technology allowed fields to be mapped out from the ground. Flying saucers became a thing at the exact moment that jet technology became widespread. Abduction of humans by little gray men didn't start happening until AFTER Hollywood started showing TV shows where people were abducted by gray men.
Do you find it odd that the sightings always seem to match the technology of the era? Before we had planes, no one reported flying saucers or tic tac UFOs in the sky to any serious degree. What few sightings there were usually looked like meteor showers or were described as slow airships....the exact thing that existed with man at the time. Even after planes started, UFO sightings were rare. But once we got jet capabilities, suddenly people started seeing UFOs that just happened to be the same color and size and skinnier sleetness of jets. Experimental jets started flying, and then the UFOs stared doing things like experimental jets. Now we have drones, and - big surprise! - we're seeing little drone UFOs everywhere.

I didn't say that no one had ever reported a flying saucer, I said that no one reported them TO ANY SERIOUS DEGREE. Do you not know what that means? Then your "evidence" that I was wrong was 2 reports of bowl-shaped objects in the entire history of the Earth before 1900, and both of those were reports of bowls small enough for a person to carry and associated with all sorts of goofy things, nothing like a modern flying saucer sighting.

Saying that sightings "always seem to match the technology of the era" is a generalization, like saying that Clyde Drexler always drove right or it's always sunny on Easter. It doesn't mean there are zero exceptions in human history, it means that it is generally true. If I meant it to be an absolutism with zero exceptions, then why would have said "no one reported flying saucers or tic tac UFOs in the sky TO ANY SERIOUS DEGREE"?

You're still not explaining why you could only find two "flying saucer" sightings in pre-flight human history, both of which involved little tiny saucers that sound nothing like a modern UFO sighting, but then flying saucer sightings exploded once jets we started putting things in the sky in big numbers. Doesn't that seem slightly odd to you?

You've been given every opportunity possible to post evidence for UFOs, and instead you made 4 different extensive comments crashing out over your inability to read basic English. That's the state of UFO discourse am


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I gotta rewatch jesse ventura's conspiracy tv show again. It made me laugh so much with all the stupidity.

Mythologies have existed as long as human have existed. Aliens are one of those mythologies. There might be someone else far far away from us. But none of that shyt got ever caught on earth. You mean aliens are traveling years and years to the earth to play peek-a-boo with humans?

The funniest part of aliens is how people find those top secret facilities, where there is some technology being made, that's secured from spies, etc. And conspiracy theorists start claiming it's so top secret because they keep aliens inside :mjlol: "Why would a top secret place exist on earth? Why can't I know what's happening there?"

This right here tells me how far behind you are on the subject, so why comment :mjlol:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Argument from Authority. Ad Hominem. Argument from Authority. Ad Hominem.

It's like they have nothing to argue off of other than logical fallacies, already debunked videos, and huge piles of "Trust me bro!"

I simply ask are the government and other professionals taking their time to investigate other figments of people's imagination?

You mean like Trump's election fraud? Or the 9/11 conspiracies claiming the towers were brought down by controlled demolition? :skip:

When a bunch of congressmen/senators made a big deal about the made-up Morgellons disease a few years ago and demanded an investigation, did that prove that Morgellons disease was real and not just in people's heads?

Imagine having the feeling that tiny bugs are crawling on your body, that you have oozing sores and mysterious fibers sprouting from your skin. Sound like a horror movie? Well, at one point several years ago, government doctors were getting up to 20 calls a day from people saying they had such symptoms.

Many of these people were in California and one of that state's U.S. senators, Dianne Feinstein, asked for a scientific study. In 2008, federal health officials began to study people saying they were affected by this freakish condition called Morgellons.

The study cost nearly $600,000. Its long-awaited results, released Wednesday, conclude that Morgellons exists only in the patients' minds.

That's proof that yes, if enough people complain then the government will certainly study something that only exists in people's minds.

The congressman who is leading the UFO investigation charge was previously most famous for promoting Bigfoot, legalizing the consumption of roadkill, and pushing Trump's election denial claims. Many people in the past have investigated all sorts of claims that turned out to be false, from fake miracles to ghost stories to conspiracy theories.

The disingenuous aspect of this whole thing is that the UFO community has spent decades shouting, "Why won't the government take this seriously!" And even now, they're constantly complaining that the hearings aren't serious enough, that the bills aren't being written, that the government isn't really trying. So when government isn't investigating, that proves there's something there, and when government is investigating and finds nothing, that also proves there's something there just because they tried?

That Professor guy is being very dishonest and intentionally obtuse. And I've only seen that with people doing it for religious reasons.

You're just randomly making that up. Don't you consider Mick West to be dishonest and intellectually obtuse? Is he secretly religious? Are the other debunkers religious? Is Metabunk just a meeting of covert evangelical Christians posing as scientists and engineers?

As I said, I have zero religious qualms with UFOs and I 100% believe there is life on other planets, probably intelligent life. I see no contradiction between that and faith in God at all, and have never tied my UFO positions to my religious beliefs. You just found out that I believe in God and use it as a random, dishonest ad hominem. which, as I've pointed out, sums up the quality of conversation in this thread. Anything you can do to talk about the lack of actual evidence.


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
I simply ask are the government and other professionals taking their time to investigate other figments of people's imagination? Are they actively investigating flat earth? Are they holding congress on Lemuria?

That Professor guy is being very dishonest and intentionally obtuse. And I've only seen that with people doing it for religious reasons.

He ain’t no professor he’s just @Rhakim aka @The Dankster. Coli’s biggest fraud.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
He ain’t no professor he’s just @Rhakim aka @The Dankster. Coli’s biggest fraud.

I have no clue where this “this guy is so intelligent” bullshyt even came from

Yall don’t remember his last Coli names.. his last Coli gimmicks?

Why do yall think he keeps switching his shyt up. He is a WOAT candidate in every screen name

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I was you once… trying to intellectually have a conversation with this guy only to have him tell me hundred of school kids didn’t see Aliens, they saw short Rastafarians in a silver mystery machine wearing sunglasses..

Only because there was a reggae concert nearby that day… that was the day I block this Mick West meat slider :mjlol: … a guy who they pay to try to debunk this shyt with ZERO credentials… who gets cooked by real scientist regularly.

I often think @Rhakim is Mick West.

For people who don't know what he's talking about, he's getting major details wrong.

Back in 1994, a Soviet rocket (Zenit-2 rocket from the Cosmos 2290 satellite launch) reentered the atmosphere above Zimbabwe, causing a massive fireball through the sky that many people reported as a UFO. UFO sightings were on the Zimbabwe news all week as a result, and it was the talk of the country.

Two days later, some elementary school kids at a rich, mostly white private school were playing outside when they saw something unusual on the ground about 250 yards away (more than two football fields away). The kids had admittedly just been talking about UFOs in class. Though there were 250 students on the playground, we only have accounts of 31 students seeing something - the rest of the students saw nothing, and none of the adults on the playground saw anything. (UFO enthusiasts have claimed 62 students saw something, but there's no evidence for this).

Most of the students described what they saw as a "black man" or a "black man with long hair", and many mentioned "large eyes". They described the vehicle as being metal and shiny and just sitting there, with almost none of the students reporting it flying at any point.

These are some of the exact descriptions and pictures the students made a couple days after their sighting. Remember, they were about 750 feet away from whatever they saw:
"We saw a black man running around."

"I didn’t see the spaceship but I saw the little black guy, he looked - he was all black, and it looked like he had long hair."

"The hair was a bit like Michael Jackson, and they had on a black suit."

"It almost looked like a real person except it was fairly plump... At first I thought it was just some boy from the compound playing around, but... it looked more like our hair, it wasn’t curly. That thing almost looked like a hippie."

"And I saw a black man, he was just in black, and he had big eyes... I thought it was an alien, and then I thought maybe it was the gardener or someone."

"I saw the little black men. They had longish hair and it was all black. And they had big black eyes, that’s all I saw.

"We saw two people. One had long black hair, the other one was bald, and they both had large eyes."

"He looked like, definitely not a human... He had a big head and big black eyes and was dressed in a black bodysuit, tight fitting... [Arms and legs] like a human’s but he definitely didn’t look like one, his head was much too big."

"We saw some people - a white one, a red one, a black one. The black one was sitting on the spaceship."

Immediately after hearing about the sightings, some UFO enthusiasts got interested and rushed to see the kids. They broke all the rules of investigative interviews - interviewing the kids together, letting them influence each other's stories, feeding them ideas, asking leading questions, etc. After two months a famous UFO psychologist/hypnotist got involved and really screwed things up, completely changing the kids' stories to fit his own ideas about environmentalism and stuff. Under all that pressure and manipulation from adult UFO enthusiasts, the children changed their stories to claim they had seen little gray men in mulitiple crafts that flew in and out, and the little gray men communicated telepathically with them to spread a pro-environment message about the need to say the Earth.

In the original accounts and drawings the kids had made before being manipulated, NONE of them had said a thing about telepathic communication or environmental message, only 1-2 had mentioned multiple crafts or claimed that anything was flying around, and the vast majority had said nothing about little gray beings. And their descriptions of the craft varied wildly - some of them drew the sort of flying saucer popular on TV reruns at the time (though different kids drew flying saucers from completely different shows), but other kids drew things that looked a lot more like a van, and still more kids said they had not seen any vehicle at all, just a black man with long hair.

So, a bunch of elementary school kids juiced up by a national UFO craze reported seeing a couple black men with long hair standing next to a shiny object, and began telling each other than they were seeing the aliens everyone had been talking about. Since the men were 750 feet away and standing in long grass, it's likely that their features and size were difficult for the kids to estimate, and none of them could see the wheels on the van as they were covered by the long grass.

And...surprise suprise....there just happens to have been a rastafarian concert by Thomas Mapfumo that VERY SAME WEEK, frequented by Mapfumo and his rasta fans who just happen to wear long hair and sunglasses.


Which one does a better job of matching what most of the kids described and saw? Look at many of their drawings, and you tell me:


And why do so many of the drawings look suspiciously like the sort of passenger vans the rastas traveled in? The kids even claimed that the black men "stood on top" of their spaceship...Do y'all really think that aliens tend to stand on top of spaceships to have a look around, or is that more a thing people in the bush do on their vans?


If you look at the ORIGINAL STORIES the kids told a couple days after their sighting (even those were influenced by the 1 UFO enthusiast who had rushed in to see them), then it's a no-brainer. I ignore the changed stories they told months and years later after they had been warped by outside people with an agenda, as any normal investigator would.