New whistleblower comes out with UFO program information to Congress. Program name is called "Immaculate Constellation"

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Yall don’t remember his last Coli names.. his last Coli gimmicks?

Why do yall think he keeps switching his shyt up. He is a WOAT candidate in every screen name

I've literally never changed my posting style at any point, and I've never had a "gimmick". Ever since I first joined the forum, I mostly talk about Black empowerment, socialism, nonviolence, NBA basketball, and debunking conspiracy theories. I've always debunked badly formed conspiracy theories like the UFO stuff. I changed my name to "Professor Emeritus" last year when I started coming and going from the forum, because it's a name for someone who left but still comes back sometimes.

How the hell can you claim I changed up when you're still complaining about all the exact same shyt you claimed about under my previous name? :mjlol:


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
For people who don't know what he's talking about, he's getting major details wrong.

Back in 1994, a Soviet rocket (Zenit-2 rocket from the Cosmos 2290 satellite launch) reentered the atmosphere above Zimbabwe, causing a massive fireball through the sky that many people reported as a UFO. UFO sightings were on the Zimbabwe news all week as a result, and it was the talk of the country.

Two days later, some elementary school kids at a rich, mostly white private school were playing outside when they saw something unusual on the ground about 250 yards away (more than two football fields away). The kids had admittedly just been talking about UFOs in class. Though there were 250 students on the playground, we only have accounts of 31 students seeing something - the rest of the students saw nothing, and none of the adults on the playground saw anything. (UFO enthusiasts have claimed 62 students saw something, but there's no evidence for this).

Most of the students described what they saw as a "black man" or a "black man with long hair", and many mentioned "large eyes". They described the vehicle as being metal and shiny and just sitting there, with almost none of the students reporting it flying at any point.

These are some of the exact descriptions and pictures the students made a couple days after their sighting. Remember, they were about 750 feet away from whatever they saw:

Immediately after hearing about the sightings, some UFO enthusiasts got interested and rushed to see the kids. They broke all the rules of investigative interviews - interviewing the kids together, letting them influence each other's stories, feeding them ideas, asking leading questions, etc. After two months a famous UFO psychologist/hypnotist got involved and really screwed things up, completely changing the kids' stories to fit his own ideas about environmentalism and stuff. Under all that pressure and manipulation from adult UFO enthusiasts, the children changed their stories to claim they had seen little gray men in mulitiple crafts that flew in and out, and the little gray men communicated telepathically with them to spread a pro-environment message about the need to say the Earth.

In the original accounts and drawings the kids had made before being manipulated, NONE of them had said a thing about telepathic communication or environmental message, only 1-2 had mentioned multiple crafts or claimed that anything was flying around, and the vast majority had said nothing about little gray beings. And their descriptions of the craft varied wildly - some of them drew the sort of flying saucer popular on TV reruns at the time (though different kids drew flying saucers from completely different shows), but other kids drew things that looked a lot more like a van, and still more kids said they had not seen any vehicle at all, just a black man with long hair.

So, a bunch of elementary school kids juiced up by a national UFO craze reported seeing a couple black men with long hair standing next to a shiny object, and began telling each other than they were seeing the aliens everyone had been talking about. Since the men were 750 feet away and standing in long grass, it's likely that their features and size were difficult for the kids to estimate, and none of them could see the wheels on the van as they were covered by the long grass.

And...surprise suprise....there just happens to have been a rastafarian concert by Thomas Mapfumo that VERY SAME WEEK, frequented by Mapfumo and his rasta fans who just happen to wear long hair and sunglasses.


Which one does a better job of matching what most of the kids described and saw? Look at many of their drawings, and you tell me:


And why do so many of the drawings look suspiciously like the sort of passenger vans the rastas traveled in? The kids even claimed that the black men "stood on top" of their spaceship...Do y'all really think that aliens tend to stand on top of spaceships to have a look around, or is that more a thing people in the bush do on their vans?


If you look at the ORIGINAL STORIES the kids told a couple days after their sighting (even those were influenced by the 1 UFO enthusiast who had rushed in to see them), then it's a no-brainer. I ignore the changed stories they told months and years later after they had been warped by outside people with an agenda, as any normal investigator would.

nikka, stop it. Ol ChatGPT plagiarizing ass


RIP to the GOAT
Jul 27, 2015
I've literally never changed my posting style at any point, and I've never had a "gimmick". Ever since I first joined the forum, I mostly talk about Black empowerment, socialism, nonviolence, NBA basketball, and debunking conspiracy theories. I've always debunked badly formed conspiracy theories like the UFO stuff. I changed my name to "Professor Emeritus" last year when I started coming and going from the forum, because it's a name for someone who left but still comes back sometimes.

How the hell can you claim I changed up when you're still complaining about all the exact same shyt you claimed about under my previous name? :mjlol:



Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
4 pages (@ 50 posts/pg.), and no objectively verifiable evidence other than:

It looks like....
It could be.....
Somebody said.....
You don't know everything.....
They're looking into it......
Do your own research.....
Don't trust the Government/science.....
Trust me, bro'.



Oct 13, 2014
You either have the worst reading comprehension in the world or don't speak English as a first language. :mjlol:

Look at the actual quotes:

I didn't say that no one had ever reported a flying saucer, I said that no one reported them TO ANY SERIOUS DEGREE. Do you not know what that means? Then your "evidence" that I was wrong was 2 reports of bowl-shaped objects in the entire history of the Earth before 1900, and both of those were reports of bowls small enough for a person to carry and associated with all sorts of goofy things, nothing like a modern flying saucer sighting.

Saying that sightings "always seem to match the technology of the era" is a generalization, like saying that Clyde Drexler always drove right or it's always sunny on Easter. It doesn't mean there are zero exceptions in human history, it means that it is generally true. If I meant it to be an absolutism with zero exceptions, then why would have said "no one reported flying saucers or tic tac UFOs in the sky TO ANY SERIOUS DEGREE"?

You're still not explaining why you could only find two "flying saucer" sightings in pre-flight human history, both of which involved little tiny saucers that sound nothing like a modern UFO sighting, but then flying saucer sightings exploded once jets we started putting things in the sky in big numbers. Doesn't that seem slightly odd to you?

You've been given every opportunity possible to post evidence for UFOs, and instead you made 4 different extensive comments crashing out over your inability to read basic English. That's the state of UFO discourse am
Oh so I guess everyone who read that, conveniently has terrible reading comprehension also? I even asked someone who shares your positions....They couldn't defend you. We're going to ask the majority consensus on what the perspective is; every time we speak. So that you can't distort. If you fukking lose that battle and everyone seems to agree that you definitely said/suggested EVERY time for example; then you need to have the self awareness and humility to actually accept how your words are constructed and perceived. Otherwise we can't trust you; and I'm going to poll the opinions of everyone in the thread to verify whats happening. Will that work out for you?

shall we poll this time? or will you find a reason to run away like you did the last thread? I'm going to poll our arguments lol

Lmao plus, our conversation wasn't about me "proving" to you that UFO's exist; that was never the content or motivation behind my initial response. I merely kept it to disagreeing with you that pre-plane era descriptions in that response, ALWAYS being representative of traversal tech at the time. Don't try and move the goal post to proving ufo's exist, because this conversation doesn't work in your favor lol You said always, That's what I quoted. You wish you said "sometimes".

At this point it's a social experiment to show everyone that you argue with intellectual dishonesty; I intentionally picked a piece of what you said that would be clear as day an over generalization on your part, with evidence that you said "always" only to see if you would still try and spin that. the fact that you still are...shows everyone that you don't argue in good faith. That was my goal with even addressing you; to be honest

and define "to any serious degree"? especially for that time period? A description is a description, sightings are all are untrue by your thinking anyway correct? one could say if it's been documented, it's to a "serious enough degree" for sightings standards. And you said the sightings "always" match the technology of the time.

Roger king

May 24, 2022
Its funny i am rewatching roswell tv show from way back right now, this are just nutty conspiracy theories its all for fun and entertainment there is nothing further than that


Oct 13, 2014
4 pages (@ 50 posts/pg.), and no objectively verifiable evidence other than:

It looks like....
It could be.....
Somebody said.....
You don't know everything.....
They're looking into it......
Do your own research.....
Don't trust the Government/science.....
Trust me, bro'.

Do you concede that some sources could be more credible than others? As a general concept? in life?


cats rule, dogs drool
Mar 11, 2022
It’s not hate… but think about it

What exactly is God :mjlol:
as an agnostic i hope there is a God but i have a bad feeling that we might be all alone. if God does exist, he's either left us to our own devices, or doesn't care. i just try to live by the golden rule. treat others as you want to be treated.