New Speaker Mike "Boot Straps" Johnson


Nov 1, 2015

Republicans Furious as Speaker Johnson Turns GOP Leadership Meeting Into Religious Revival​

They just wanted to hear plans for keeping their extremely slim House majority
Members of House Republican leadership expressed frustration at Speaker Mike Johnson after a GOP leadership retreat over the weekend, organized to outline plans for keeping the majority, quickly turned into a religious service.

"I'm not at church," an anonymous attendee said in response to Johnson leading the group in prayers and Christian sermonizing. According to two people in the room the sermon was not well received, with one Rep. calling the session "horrible."

Johnson was reportedly railing against government, saying that without God in their lives people will turn to the government for guidance. The sermon lasted for a full third of the meeting according to the anonymous members.

"I think what he was trying to do, but failed on the execution of it, was try to bring us together,” the anonymous source said. “The sermon was so long he couldn't bring it back to make the point."

The GOP House majority shrank to two seats after Democrat Tom Suozzi won the special election to fill the seat left by disgraced former Republican Congressman George Santos. Worried House Republicans are looking to Johnson for plans for keeping their majority after record-low productivity for this Congress. Instead, he is offering thoughts and prayers.

While Johnson is delivering sermons instead of results, the clock is ticking on a government shutdown in a week. Johnson inexplicably called a two-week House recess with supplemental aid for Ukraine and Israel waiting for House consideration, and a looming shutdown on March 1st. Johnson's first item of business for his time off was a Presidents' Day visit to Donald Trump.