Breh ..."Purple Rain" was recorded on stage at a benefit concert. Prince liked what he recorded so much, he decided to use it instead of recording it over. Dynamic mics are super cardioid and block out a lot of noise. So many songs are recorded on tour buses as well. The Beatles Get Back album was recorded OUTSIDE ON A ROOF WITH TRAFFIC GOING BELOW THEM!!! This is why I never show people my recording/mixing set up because once you do that, they start listening with their eyes instead of their ears. And I've had a lot of shyt recorded in my crib that was used for albums that got released. Included live basslines or vocals. It's better to not know in some situations and just appreciate the music.
The post you're responding to: I need something with more taste than water but all I have is water
You: Jesus turned water into wine
Not on subject but just as a brain exercise of imagination I want you think about Papoose having an album in 2024 that is as big as Purple Rain was in 1984
Imagine what it'd take for the Papoose brand to accomplish that
I want all the best for him though, he is an underdog story