Its amazing that there are still some black folks in the south that dont know how to deal with racist and hostile police.
Look. . . we can have sensible gun control regulations, but you have to understand why some people get so up in arms (no pun) when anybody mentions gun control. We're god damn near powerless as it is. The gun is the last beacon of hope against a tyrannical government and its enforcement arms. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the escalation of government versus citizen has clearly been happening for awhile now. Racism is obviously still a problem with police, but this is a much larger fight to me. I just wonder what it takes for people to actually coalesce against this type of behavior and fight back in a way that forces change. It's hard because we're victims of our own success. They've fattened us up to the point of complacency, so for the most part, it's difficult to find anyone willing to risk the creature comforts we've grown accustom to, in order to fight for a cause with the potential that we land behind bars. And landing behind bars is obviously quite easy with vague, easily trumped up charges like resisting arrest and obstruction.
Its amazing that there are still some black folks in the south that dont know how to deal with racist and hostile police.
People need to start going where cops live and shoot back...Unless the people defend their communities against cops who are the intruders, then this will continue.
If the dude in the OP had his "beacon of hope", he'd be in a morgue right now
Look. . . we can have sensible gun control regulations, but you have to understand why some people get so up in arms (no pun) when anybody mentions gun control. We're god damn near powerless as it is. The gun is the last beacon of hope against a tyrannical government and its enforcement arms. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the escalation of government versus citizen has clearly been happening for awhile now. Racism is obviously still a problem with police, but this is a much larger fight to me. I just wonder what it takes for people to actually coalesce against this type of behavior and fight back in a way that forces change. It's hard because we're victims of our own success. They've fattened us up to the point of complacency, so for the most part, it's difficult to find anyone willing to risk the creature comforts we've grown accustom to, in order to fight for a cause with the potential that we land behind bars. And landing behind bars is obviously quite easy with vague, easily trumped up charges like resisting arrest and obstruction.
You won't shoot a cop, Breh. Stop it.
What are you trying to bait me into, friend?
All he needs to do is stop blaming slavery, quit being a wanna-be thug, and pull himself up by his bootstraps. Just another one of Obamas sons
This guy needs to stop playing the race card and trying to be a victim. If this thug would pull his pants up and get a job he'd be fine.