Whenever Sterling changed unis, it was an improvement doe. This may be worse than sterling.I agree. Ballmer must be surrounded by nothing but yes men plus it seems like he's viewing this like its the new box artwork for the latest version of Windows instead of how a team should look. When you do new unis you got to think of the fans, non fans who just want sh*t cause its hot or it matches their kicks, females, NBA fans overseas, etc. And adding in the black is lazy and cheap as f*ck.Yet another golden opportunity wasted. That's why you have the terms "Same ole Clippers" and whatnot. Think about it we weren't a destination for players for years and we play in Los Angeles of all places Hate to say it but this is "Sterling like". No racism or perverted scandles but the same ole dumb un-explainable sh*t but on a different safer level. wasted wasted wasted opportunities left and right. Its like they're scared to be hot when everybody wants them to be. Like a hot chick that dresses down with no makeup and wears baggy clothing to hide her shape.
I woulda liked black and gold to be the Hollywood knights colors like tge oscars. And have qb gold home uniform like the oscar itself
Sh1t woulda been dope
I hate the red/white/blue sh1t. Too common.
And Ballmer admitted this lil rebranding was decided on in months, not yrs. a true rebrand takes more time. I want to know rhe firm that did this, cuz they deserve public ridicule.