I cant find an article about it but i heard it on the NPR radio
Since 'teachers' are having a hard time getting kids up to standard by the end of the year, the VA schoolboard or whatever it is passed some rule breaking up the standard by race, if I remember correct it was
Asians had to pass with atleast a 84
Whites had to pass with atleast a low 70 something
Hispanics had to pass in the 50s
Blacks had to pass in the 40s
Mentally handicapped kids had to pass in the 30s
EDIT: Heres the LINK
Firestorm Erupts Over Virginia's Education Goals : NPR

I cant find an article about it but i heard it on the NPR radio
Since 'teachers' are having a hard time getting kids up to standard by the end of the year, the VA schoolboard or whatever it is passed some rule breaking up the standard by race, if I remember correct it was
Asians had to pass with atleast a 84
Whites had to pass with atleast a low 70 something
Hispanics had to pass in the 50s
Blacks had to pass in the 40s
Mentally handicapped kids had to pass in the 30s
EDIT: Heres the LINK
Firestorm Erupts Over Virginia's Education Goals : NPR
Here's what the Virginia state board of education actually did. It looked at students' test scores in reading and math and then proposed new passing rates. In math it set an acceptable passing rate at 82 percent for Asian students, 68 percent for whites, 52 percent for Latinos, 45 percent for blacks and 33 percent for kids with disabilities.