The presser was surreal, largely because you got to see maybe five of the ten best wrestlers in the world only a few feet away. it's crazy how short most of those dudes are. Okada is something else man, the guy just looks like a champion and carries himself like one.
Naito pretended to throw the LIJ hat into the crowd, then just put it on. Then he moved the US belt off the stand, and put the LIJ hat there. He slept through everyone else's comments and when it was his turn, said "I don't know why they put me in this tournament, but since I'm here I'm going for the I can kick it around and throw it in the garbage." I know it's Kenny's tournament but I can't not pull for this guy to win it.
You can't see it in most of the pics going around but behind the crowd was a bunch of New Japan guys just taking it all in. Rocky Romero, Gedo, Tiger Hattori, and Kidani himself (among others) were just standing around observing.
Hangman Page was introduced first. Then when Jay Lethal was introduced, someone goes 'finally, a real wrestler!' which made me feel a little bad for Page but I won't front and tell you I didn't laugh. I did.
Fools were chanting 'you still got it' at Billy Gunn for signing the damn contract (
Snoop Dogg Clutching Forehead) most of the fans were cool and respectful, but it was a little embarrassing being around some of the extra'd out fans chanting every five seconds and clapping like seals. I hate to even go there but I feel like WWE has trained US fans to chant just for the sake of chanting because I hear this crap everywhere.
I also got to hear a Japanese girl squeal 'Tana' in person for the first time which was something I delighted in.
Ima come through with an update on both days of the tourney too.