yall wanna play this dead shyt instead of actual games with more than 15 players on it like DOTA 2
don't get me started...
yall wanna play this dead shyt instead of actual games with more than 15 players on it like DOTA 2
If I get the chance I'm going to install that shyt later and see what's really good.
I'll prob be on this weekend.
Where do you spawn when you log off and on? Do you have to find your group after every log on?
*back in august*
like I was saying...
I been trying to give away these Dota 2 invites since December (still got 1). if I had DayZ Standalone invites, how long do you think those would last?
anyway, obviously they're completely different games. although they're both mods that became a standalone game
Dota 2 probably has more players playing at this second than total people who have dayz period
Not my fault this forum is like opposite world on every subject
i really want this game but i don't want to buy arma II to get it. i'd rather just buy the stand alone but everytime i'm on steam there's a deal going on and add @daze23 constantly logging on that shyt makes me want to cave in.