Have you seen what Nike is doing in the state of Florida lately.
Buccaneers and now FSU WOAT uniforms.
Don't be surprise if Miami uniforms isn't also

Some of the player's reactions.
!!!BE_GREAT!!! @Datt_Dolla 2m
I think I'm in love with our new jerseys!
Gus Edwards @GodsGiftGUS 6m
Bra !! We got the best uniforms in the country !!!
Tyriq The Freak @1SevenRiq 34s
Bruh those new uni. Is (fire)
Artie Burns Jr @_audi8 4m
Them new jerseys we got 1⃣ (A1)
Tyriq The Freak @1SevenRiq now
Unbelievable bruh, yall have to be there tomorrow to see it with your own eyes smh#Renewed #HeyBaby
Malcolm lewis @MMoneymalc9 now
New uniforms go hard
Alexander Figueroa @Fig_Daddy 2m
Y'all ain't ready for the new ensemble
If they're with it the uniforms have to at least look decent.