when was this nikka 380lbs?
LOL @ HBK having an office in the Towers.
Honestly, Vince is prolly a racist mainly from a business standpoint. ie, he wont put the world title(the WWF/E title) on a black man, but he will put the former WCW title on a black man. Booker, Lashley, Mark Henry. That leads me to think he'd never put his fathers belt lineage on a black man. And NO, again, The Rock isn't really seen as black by the average WWE fan nor by his appearance.
Ahmed Johnson was not a good mic worker, his words were gibberish. Did he have the fan momentum to be world champ? Probably. But could you picture him making the media rounds?
But if Vince was a real, true racist, he wouldnt have any successful black characters, certainly no champions be it IC, tag team or anything else.
As far as the Rock, ehhh, he probably did say that stuff. That's a random ass story for Ahmed to just conjure up.