Anyone regardless of race,who is poor, working or middle class, should be against the mass immigration of low or un skilled migrants. You don't think politicians who support it are doing it out of some sense of charity do you? .If you vote for a politiician who believes in it, it is like a turkey voting for christmas. I know racists attach themselves to any anti immigration message, but this is about not only your future and your families future but the future of your people, you race, your nation. There is nothing bad about having pride in ones race and heritage,providing you don't see other races as lesser than your own. People of all races should be able to live alongside on another, to share each others heritage and history ,and Iam of the view that the idea of not allowing people to celebrate their differences actually increases tensions. But I believe this is deliberate.
I fear , there is a sinister agenda here to create a population of worker drones fighting for the scraps that the political and corporate elite throw to them, allowing themselves to be manipulated to blame each other instead of realising where the blame really does lie. These elite dislike any forum of togetherness or working for a common goal, they dislike nationalism, socialism any form of political ideology that makes us think of each other as one entity as brothers and sisters rather than just think about ourselves. They want us all to be selfish and blame one another.Feminism is all about pitting the two genders against each other,it's not really about making womens lives better these scum do not give a shyt about women . Just another form of manipulation.
They will lie about any politicial figure who dares to tell the truth, they will use their media mouthpieces to paint him as a racist right wing maniac. This isn't new, they have been doing this to any politician who doesn't being in one world government, of low wage slavery , who doesn't secretly hate his country and his people. Don't fall for it, and don't allow any politicial party to take your vote for granted.
Trump isn't perfect by any means he is rather a buffoon , but the above is why the media, the establishment political elite is out to get him. I fear if they fail, he could well end up with a bullet in his skull.