just cuz the cover art is furthering a BAD MISCONCEPTION:
Angel Dust IS NOT Embalming Fluid. AT ALL. that's just a random nickname.
Embalming fluid (as used by a mortician) is generally dilute (watered down) formaldehyde. PCP is not embalming fluid. There is no PCP in embalming fluid. PCP cannot be derived from embalming fluid. Formaldehyde and PCP are not chemically related. Being that there are a lot of gross solvents & chemicals in formaldehyde, smoking it might still indeed produce some kind of intoxication.
Formaldehyde is a known strong carcinogen linked to nasal and lung cancer, and with possible links to brain cancer and leukemia and should not be smoked.
The confusion comes simply because somewhere along the line PCP picked up the slang name "embalming fluid". Since the confusion began, it is entirely possible, even likely, that many people have smoked formaldehyde soaked cannabis or tobacco, thinking they were getting the same "Embalming Fluid" (PCP) that they had smoked before.