Eddie Murphy is reuniting with his original "Beverly Hills Cop" co-stars — Judge Reinhold, John Ashton, Paul Reiser and Bronson Pinchot — for the upcoming sequel, "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley."
Netflix picked up the rights in 2019 to release the next "Beverly Hills Cop" movie, which is currently in development.
"Axel Foley" is the fourth installment in the hit action-comedy franchise, following 1984's "Beverly Hills Cop," 1987's "Beverly Hills Cop II" and 1994's "Beverly Hills Cop III." For the fourquel, producers opted to ditch the roman numerals and instead name the film after Murphy's fish-out-of-water character, a Detroit police officer who travels to Los Angeles to investigate crimes.
Plot details for "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley" have been kept under wraps. Presumably, the story involves Axel Foley is returning to the 90210 to crack a new case.
In the original film, Reinhold and Ashton played Detective Billy Rosewood and Sergeant John Taggart, who were hired to track Axel Foley as he attempted to solve the murder of his best friend. Reiser played Detective Jeffrey Friedman and Pinchot was the fan-favorite Serge. Reinhold appeared in each subsequent "Beverly Hills Cop" adventure, though Ashton, Reiser and Pinchot returned for only two of the three.
As previously reported, Taylour Paige ("Zola") and Joseph Gordon-Levitt have been cast in "Axel Foley" in undisclosed roles.