Peter Popoff
AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Chris Rock said it
Relationships are largely eating, and fukking.
If you dont like fukking somebody and you don't like eating with them, yall dont need to be together.
But tv and movies have yall thinking shyt is complicated and have yall playing these stupid games.
Personally I think the biggest reason people struggle to find a partner is because they have no self awareness. If you dont know who you are...what your strengths and weaknesses'll never find anyone who will bridge that gap and help to complete you.
Most of yall just look for someone attractive who won't annoy you every second and think they're right for you. Or you buy into stupid shyt like your partner must have "goals" and "ambition", which honestly is vague nonsense that is the same as reading a dating profile and someone says they like to have "fun".
I'm glad I found my wife. You single folks have it so bad in 2020. Shows like this and 90 Day Fuuckface says it all...
You're absolutely right but "Married at first sight" actually got the full concept of what grows a relationship right.
1. It's about knowing yourself and finding a partner that compliments that.
2. It's about both partners putting in the work and commitment to a lifetime arrangement.
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