Netflix might have one: Making a Murderer (Dec 18th)

May 7, 2012
The shyt that goes down in this will make u walk out ur "own" crib tbh

With that said it is a amazing piece of work.
True story. It's a great display of how bias can be such a corrupting force in both the investigation of crimes and policing of communities.

Really puts "Black Lives Matter" in perspective for me, and should do the same for doubtful White Americans, but it won't SMH
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Jun 16, 2012
I finally finished watch Making A Murderer. Last time, I watched on Episode 4 last Dec and I stopped watching cause it makes me angry as fukk and sick to my stomach until two days ago and I decided to finish the show.

I don't know that I have the words to describe what I feel right now. I'm sad, angry, frustrated, stunned. I don't even know what else.

There was a brief moment when that piece of shyt O'Kelly got all weepy and I thought and was like "Ahh....he's going to admit that what he did to Brendan was wrong" but nope....What a silly I was. This mfer crying over that fukking ribbon not once but twice?. :what: he's the fakiest fake that ever faked. fukk him.

Do I think Steven did it?. No.

The Brother in law and nephew who went hunting had me :patrice: . Seemed like the only real evidence the prosecution had was that she was shot and killed with a .22 caliber gun. So why not question the person who claimed to have seen her arrive and described her movements in detail, and went hunting, with a .22 caliber rifle?. This person also ALSO knew the cops would come looking for SA and only SA. Let's check him out and perhaps do some real police work.

Also, I have questions about her ex. He hacked her phone? He deleted messages?. How is that not tempering with a crime scene?. How was he not charged with SOMETHING for that alone? His demeanor was too steady, too composed. If you fear that someone you care about has met a gruesome death, you are not that collected. Like others, he knew where she was going and knew that the cops would never further than Steven. Ex-Lover often make the most brutal killers -destroying her body sounds like something he could have done. I'm not accusing these two but I'm making them suspects, something the cops never considered.


May 30, 2015
Read this shyt brehs :francis::scust::what:

Jon's Jail Journal (by Shaun Attwood): Making a Murderer Update 4 - Another Suspect

Making a Murderer Update 4 - Another Suspect

This has been brought to my attention by several readers. The original source is Brian McCorkle. There is a discussion here.

While the Search for Teresa Halbach was underway in November 2005, another series of events was beginning in Bonduel, Wisconsin.

A woman was moving from Bonduel, Wisconsin to Maribel. She had rented a house with the lease to start on 1 November, 2005. The house was on a property that included several outbuildings.

In Bonduel, her husband had exhibited bizarre behavior such as sleeping in their attic and sleeping in a fetal position.

She discovered that the labels had been cut from her clothing, and then her underwear was missing. Her husband denied any knowledge. During the week, he said he burned something at their new address and said it was a doll crib. There was a doll crib at the Maribel address, however, it was not burnt, however.

During the marriage, the citizen found that her husband had attempted to burn himself in the past. He also had previously burnt her clothing. He was diagnosed with personality disorder, narcissistic disorder, depressive disorder, and psychosis, but he refused to take medication.

She found that on 31 October, 2005, he visited the Maribel area and had stopped at the rental before the lease began. He spoke of visiting an auto salvage yard. He commented that a woman wanted to take pictures of the rental property on 31 October while he was there, and he felt that the photographer was “stupid.”

During the week, she observed that her husband had scratches on his back and a cut finger that bled intermittently. She was beginning the move while working in Green Bay.

She found her underwear stuffed in an attic closet at the Bonduel home. She also noted a boombox along with cans of Cherry Pepsi Cola near the steps of the Maribel home. Her underwear disappeared again.

On the 5 of November, when they stopped for lunch in the Maribel area, the husband saw a missing person poster for Halbach and stated dogmatically, “She’s dead.”

The following evening, her husband’s behavior turned worse. He refused to allow her into the Maribel rental. The citizen contacted the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s department, and he was arrested on 6 November, 2005. He was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting an officer.

When she returned to the Bonduel home to continue the move, she checked the attic cupboard again for her missing underwear. Instead, she found a pair of yellow lace panties than were not hers. They were about her size and had stains consistent with menstruation. She placed the panties in a plastic bag to ask her husband about them.

About 10 November, 2005 she looked through the outbuildings in Maribel for her missing clothing. She found some of her clothing cut into pieces. She also discovered a can of lighter fluid with a bloody fingerprint.

Unbeknownst to the citizen, her husband had been placed in two separate psychiatric care facilities during his custody. He was released to an outside address in January, 2006. Court records show that address as Glen’s Bar and Grill in Manitowoc. The County did not notify the woman that her husband was free and in the community.

Between November and the end of the year, a few odd things happened. Two explicit adult magazines were placed on the property. Also, her dogs found relatively fresh bones somewhere on the property. She discarded the bones.

While attempting to distract the dogs from the bones, the citizen dropped her husband’s tool chest in one of the outbuildings. A masons’ hammer and a pair of surgical gloves fell from the chest. The hammer had visible dark red flecks.

:whoo: This post is underrated as fukk.


Sep 13, 2012
If Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey were black, you guys would be sucking the dikk of this show, eating its semen for food three meals, and begging for more.

Racist pieces of shyt.