I don’t need to. One, you’d dismiss it anyway. Two, there’s a reason we have disclosures. Because someone at some point in history sued after companies misrepresented themselves in a statement publicly. The judge cut Pepsi a break because Pepsi was smart enough to seek an amenable setting. I’ll admit, it did sound ridiculous to buy someone a jet. But the argument wasn’t if it was silly. The argument is if Pepsi can get away with saying things on TV and then try to wiggle themselves out of it when someone actually follows through. You don’t see Apple promising to buy people jets. It was just as dumb for Pepsi to put that ad out as it was for the guy to follow through. If the judge was fair, she would’ve ordered Pepsi to pay him. Say $10 million. And the guy could take it or leave it. That way it sets the precedent to not go on TV promising dumb shyt without disclosures that it’s a joke.