Street Fighter is penis compensation for a lotta dudes. Play some matches on XBL and tell me I'm wrong
Found the video if anyone wants to see what happened after the nerd bodied him go to 8:50
I dont even wanna see what Reddit or NeoGAF sayin bout this video
from what i understand, he said he was a "black version of sum other tournament player" ....I don't know the names of all these gamer nerds
I'm assuming he felt that player sucked or had a particular style he didn't he compared him as the "black" version of such n such.
While it definitely seems as though it was indeed meant to be an insult, I'm not so sure I'd qualify it as a "racial" insult or anything racist.
On some "Pharell is a black version of Sammy Davis Jr" type shyt..... except not in compliment form......If a Chinese person robs a bank the news reporters aren't racist for simply describing the bank robber as an Asian man, are they?
Simply describing someone isn't racist, I don't think.
That's just make take on it tho..... I could be wrong
A black PSP :docdafukk:
he said DSP, the name of another scrub player that makes a bunch of corny youtube videos and isn't very good at the actual game
low tier gawd is 0-2 in grudge matches (talking shyt and calling people out like he did here), regularly gets washed by randoms online and makes a bunch of corny youtube videos
it's a legit comparison
I see your A fan of defending racists and c00nery. Keep it up cac00n, we see you.
he said DSP, the name of another scrub player that makes a bunch of corny youtube videos and isn't very good at the actual game
low tier gawd is 0-2 in grudge matches (talking shyt and calling people out like he did here), regularly gets washed by randoms online and makes a bunch of corny youtube videos
it's a legit comparison