Need help figuring out what to do at the gym and at home.


Slappin and clowning chumps for fun.
Feb 17, 2014
10 Days of Pushups every other day + Cardio

After that start going back to the Gym

Eat like a Monster, Train like a Psycho ... Use Light Weights and gradually increase the weights. Bench 105, Squat 80 and work yourself up.

You need energy, once you start working out ... you'll notice that your appetite grows

Don't ever look at the Scale, scales lie.

So many people get caught up with this, they aim for a weight and feel good about getting their instead of looking in the mirror, I see so many people that's heavy in the gym that look like shyt, then see diesel ass nikkas in the gym who light as shyt, go by that mirror it will save you in the long run.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Weighted crunches. Once your lower/mid back come off the ground you're using hip flexors. Bottom pic is full contraction


Any other exercises you recommend?


Oct 10, 2014
Any other exercises you recommend?
Honestly I don't do any core/ab work beside the occasional plank, so I'm not caught up on all the exercises they got now; I know the gyms got a ton of ab machines though. Might wanna give em a try


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
3 sets of each, as many as you can do, pullups, pushups and situps 3 days a week for a month, to ready your muscles before any weight training. You could do em monday, wednesday, friday. Sprints on tuesday, thursday, saturday; rest sunday. Sprints are one of the most effective forms of cardio and only take 10-15 minutes to do
What do you mean by Sprints?
First and foremost, ignore the scale, take measurements of your gut (yes, with a tape measure), since this is your main concern.
Measure weekly.

The scale is deceiving and sometimes you lose fat, but gain muscle and eat food -- which makes you feel that you're not progressing. With measuring, you KNOW if you're progressing or not.

You seem like you're on a good path. How long did it take to go from 200 to 193?

There's only 3 things you have to do to get down to 12-15% body fat:
1 - Workout 3 times a week with weights.
2 - Eat 1g protein / pound of lean body mass (total weight minus body fat). Chances are that's 150-160g.
3 - Reduce calories.

You seem to have #3 down for now. The homeboy ADD is right about hitting a wall with low calories, but don't worry about that for now. Come back when your weight loss has stalled.

On gym days... Ideally, go to the gym and get a trainer that can help you with proper form in the following exercises:
- Bench press
- Squats
- Dead lifts
- Military Press
- Bent over rows

These are called compound exercises and are proven to significantly add more muscle and burn more fat, because they work larger groups of muscles.
Pick 2 or 3 per day, do them, and GTFO of the gym. You don't need to spend more than 40 minutes in the gym.

Form is key, and make sure you get a trainer or a gym buddy that knows what they're doing. Once you have form down, lift heavy, and keep lifting heavier.
You will get jacked, and you will lose your gut.

Really, that's all you need for now, but if you like to do cardio, throw it in a few times per week, but it is not necessary right now.

On days that you can't workout at the gym... do what the homie Hybrinetics said above and work on push ups/pull ups/sit ups. There's 20 minute circuits to follow on YouTube.
I'm going to get flamed for this, but download "The Challenge" video from P90X3, it's a great starting point, and a great circuit. If you can't do push ups, use your knees. If you can't do a pull up, use a chair.
Do not underestimate bodyweight exercises. I promise, even if you DIDN'T do compound exercises, and just did enough pull ups, sit ups, and push ups, you could get extremely toned.

Don't complicate things.
Wow. Thanks! Did not see your post.

Sounds like u have a weak core. U should think about things like planks and weighted AB exercises. Try and avoid movements that call on hip flexors too much (sit ups and leg raises are the worst) and focus on movements that isolate and load the abs

Sounds like you are skinny fat as well and have an unfortunate fat distribution. 150-160 with consistent ab training are probably what you will need to get your waist down to where you want it to be.

Lifting weights can be good and fun if you enjoy it but if you just want a flat stomach, beyond bracing your core it's not necessary.
Any exercises you'd recommend?

@Thatrogueassdiaz, video somebody shared with me on fb. Could help with your at home set. I gotta do more at home myself, but been lazy and going extra in gym to make up.

Man a lot of that looks complicated. Have you tried the stuff in this video?


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
What do you mean by Sprints?

Wow. Thanks! Did not see your post.

Any exercises you'd recommend?

Man a lot of that looks complicated. Have you tried the stuff in this video?
nah I don't have the equipment for no pull ups. But do some push ups and what not and slowly cut out the junk food and you should lose some. You about my height. Keep drinking water and you'll see the change. Hit that gym up more often. It's money being thrown away for no reason. Even if it's one or two times a week for now. I dropped weight after I went more often and I'm still not where I need to be. Few minutes each day of home exercise is a start


Oct 10, 2014
What do you mean by Sprints?
I mean.. i don't know how to put it in simpler forms.

4 sprints, 3 times a week. Always warm up your legs before a sprint. Once warmed up, sprint as fast as you can (not overboard though), for 20 seconds; then walk it off for 15 seconds (you'll still be pretty fresh at this point). Sprint again for 20 seconds, then walk it off for 20 seconds. Next sprint for 20 seconds, walk it off for 45 seconds. Last sprint for 20 seconds, walk it off for a minute.

Its best to time yourself, and when the rest period is up, get right back into the sprints. In all it should take no more than 5 minutes after warm-up. Nothing kills my hams and glutes like sprints. Sprints are one of if not the best high intensity cardio to do.