Another thing people aren't factoring in is the talent pool has just grown exponentially. More people around the world taking basketball seriously means all levels get an infusion of outside talent that just didn't exist in the 80's, 90's and 00's.
From the elites of Giannis, Luka, Shai, Embiid and Jokic
To the fact that it's like 5 dudes in the league named Bogdanovic and they're all great 3rd options on top of the likes of Siakam, Wagner, Murray, Porzingis, etc
To the young up and coming talent like Wemby and Sengun
You got the old guard being able to extend their careers due to diet and training, a large infusion of overseas talent and the traditional crop of young up and comers, the league is just more stacked than ever and I love it.
No more struggle 72-65 point brickfests in the playoffs. No more iso ball and bad mid range jumpers. No more useless players only out there to foul and hog up space. We get ball movement, strategic understanding of space and cutting, every player on the court having a way and figuring out ways to create an advantage for themselves on top of stars being stars. Quick, smart decision making, team exploitation of individually bad defenders, people aren't just sticking to their man to prove some dumbass point, they're picking on and switching onto YOUR sorry ass and punishing you every trip. They're tilting the floor and angling things just to attack YOU over and over again until you get pulled from the floor. Good basketball.
If you hate this era of hoop you just don't like team ball and miss the iso hero ball era and likely prefer the individualism of the old game. I don't, it was bad basketball.