Yeah shyt is Terra-Belle terrible. The sports community is small so they can get away with this shyt a while longer. These youtubers spendings hundreds easy, these lil kids following suit spending they moms credit card, then regular grown folks doing the same. Some dude came in the barbershop and said he had to get a refund on his credit card because his son spend $100 on 2k And then they be callin you broke because you complaining about VC. It's crazy because 2K is fun as hell when you don't gotta grind from 60over, I used to glitch back in the days but now folks getting banned
And don't let me get started on GTA, mannnnnne they making a killing on these dumb ass gamers
I don't think I've had much more clarity in gaming than pointing to VC as the moment I started losing love for 2k same with GTAO and R*. What a coincidence Take Two