i agree with you on them lying about us being able to keep changing our takeover(nba live style). but its not true. But you're still saying since the update the rebounding takeover no longer grants you the ability to auto grab a rebound you have to "fight for position". Uhhhhhhh, yeah. like you should. there should never be a badge in the game where you dont have to work to use it. period. you're admitting you did not use to have to work for a rebound once that badge lit up. but now you do. so you say it doesnt help anymore. not true. it still tells you where the ball is going to fall. you have to be the first one there. thats realistic. Rebounding bigs are already OP on the build alone. they snag rebounds just off the ratings and rebounding badges even when they shouldnt. i wish they tone all that nonsense down. it would actually be a fun battle to have. but its not battle at all unless you're going up against another rebounder thats badged up.