A Pound & A Prayer
yo third game of the season
2K are rolling deep with the injuries.
yo third game of the season
I barely get injuries in my careeryo third game of the season
Whats up with the refs taking 20 minutes to give you the ball to inbound or shoot free throws :drakewtf:
Man that's why I been trying link up with you guys. I play st the Rec alot. I play good team ball. I'm a SG but I play like a PG. If you're open you're gonna get the ball. Im not one of those dudes who has to score when my matchup scores on me either.It's too many bums online forreal
yo third game of the season
is he, is he, is he dead?yo third game of the season
Broken Vertebrae thois he, is he, is he dead?
yo third game of the season
how many seasons are there?
whats the furthest someone played/simmed?
are there still storylines in like year 7?
i owned the last 4 2ks but never played myplayer. i only playing this year because of the face scan