May be in the minority, but the music and menus are completely offensive and need to patched out of the game.
I am a huge hip hop fan and not particularly religious, but there is something completely wrong and disturbing with the 2K soundtrack. Not talking about the actual formerly released Jay songs on there. The songs without words that play in background sound like something you would hear in a horror movie...
It sounds aggressive and violent with intent. It almost feels like it is meant to put you in a trance-like state. It was so bad last night that I felt compelled to mute the game, something I've never done with a 2k soundtrack, and with three young boys, I would never let them hear the weird *** music in the game.
Even the menus are weird. How weird does the timer look during a timeout? The symbolism and the emphasis on triangles...
Not trying to start some conspiracy theory stuff, I have my opinions as to why this type of presentation was done with this type of game, but I won't go there.
This is not what I would consider "E for everyone". No longer comfortable letting my son play this game.
I have defended Jay-Z & co. against all those allegations, but this game may have changed my mind. Something is not right...
Sorry about the soapbox!