The fact that you were "Born With" a certain disposition, proclivity or desire does Not make this Disposition morally right , or even morally neutral. According to the same logic, a Heterosexual man who is married would have Hundreds of "Baby's Mamas" and no less than Thousands of Illegitimate Children simply by following his "natural" heterosexual inclinations. Also, anyone who has babysat for any length of time will note that kids are born with a number of undesirable traits: selfishness, anger issues, cantankerous attitudes, and dishonesty are a few obvious examples. My point is that Self-Control and restraint of our "natural" desires forces itself upon each of us at some point -regardless of what our "desires" may be. Let's stop this Nonsense about saying something is right because we were "Born this Way". Its not a logically valid position to take. This includes sexual deviant behavior such as the much pushed homosexuality.