You white women lovers are something else
You white women lovers are something else
facts. those perfume/colgone commercials are usually top notch as far as visuals and filmed by the big dogs in hollywood. i think martin scorsese directed the bleu de chanel commericalsfukk Natalie Portman. That cinematography/photography though
This needs to be a singing group or a band name.Why yall dont take yall ass to reddit and fawn over average white hoes over there or stay in jbo.
Thank god you clarified that you were a kid also. Lolman I had a crush on her since when I saw The Professional as a kid
It's a slow grueling process to social engineering.@Love Bizarre done converted y'all to appreciate mediocre basic cave beasts huh
After watching The Professional
Can never look at her
Don’t know why that movie is so beloved
Made me feel all kinds of cringe throughout