I just want to know why Nas and Jay waited so long to rock dreads?
Nas rocked the X-Clan style during the Live At The BBQ era. Dreads at the top of a fade.
This is also part of his latest album cover for Magic 2

A major theme of his music from the past three years is that he’s been experiencing an artistic renaissance. He’s released FIVE albums in that time period and won his first Grammy, headlined his first show at Madison Square Garden, became the oldest rapper to ever make the cover of both GQ and Billboard and just this week was inducted into the Billboard Hall Of Fame. My guess is the hairstyle is a way of physically expressing that renaissance, a nod to how the old and new school are irrevocably linked. A hairstyle he wore when he was 15-16 is now the “In” hairstyle of 15-16 year olds of today.