Not Nas. Nas i cant have you pushing & promoting
hes been doing it for a while now.
dude been selling out and doing funny chit for years now. i hear they pass that off as "longevity" these days.
Not Nas. Nas i cant have you pushing & promoting
Its a sad day... somebody.. I hate to say this..
put the
flattop on the GOAT
cuz he's just like them twitter,but this is nas that dissed rappers he was cool with and told them to step their game up. Rappers much better than iggy. Also made THESE OUR ARE HEROS,dissing kobe and others for "fukking white pwussy". Then was in interviews talking bout smacking nikkas for gwenyth paltro after she made a taste less joke using "******s". Nas is pumpkin pie. Then goes to work for the guy that left "condoms on his baby seat" and pushing liquor years after dissing it as "pushing poison to our people". How much more evidence do nikkas need to see nas for what he is?
we will of course ignore the stuff he has done for his community and the fact that the man is entitled to his opinion!!!hes been doing it for a while now.
dude been selling out and doing funny chit for years now. i hear they pass that off as "longevity" these days.
been warned yall about this dude.