Nas is my fav rapper. His stans are absolutely unable to be honest
when I was panning the Nas/Kanye record in real time during the listening party online and we were all in the thread fools wanted to kill me only to admit it wasn't a good album. I have no issues being honest about Nas music but when I am my fellow Nas fans get weird about it. i don't need "to dislike a record" this shyt ain't it brother.... I was also one of the few diehard Nas fans who didn't think he was youolddroog... that embarrassing thread is still up. when folks cant tell the GOAT from a fraud. A lot of dudes who talk all that shyt about being authorities on his music on this forum fell for that Russian Jew soundalike
So no nothing you saying is relevant to me. I said it because the song actually came and went, there's no buzz for this album right now from us the core audience... tell me i'm lying. that single didn't set the table at all.