Napoleon's Thoughts on Bernie Sanders

Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
You alt-right st0rmfr0nt scumbags don't even deserve the time. 90+% of black people are going to vote against your orange nazi hero no matter what, and there's not a damn thing you wanna-bees can do to change that.

In the meanwhile, I'll continue to point out the practical value of Medicare for All and free higher education to thinking black people on this board and others -- true tangibles that will help us as family men, entrepreneurs, etc.



It took you over ten hours to come back with that dikk riding bullshyt??
We not alt right but we see your playbook. Bernie will repeat his poor performance with Southern blacks and his online sycophants will attack black people as alt righters or bots, just because you idiots hitched your star to a guy who has no idea how to accomplish any of his goals. Be mad that you dikk riding a loser who despite 30 years of being in Congress, has only managed to name post offices. But this is the guy whose gonna implement single payer, enact a green new deal and break up the big banks? Bernies not a wonk like Warren, where is his policy proposals and plans despite him running for President for the last three years? He doesnt have any policy papers on his website, no plans, no proposals but yet you morons think that a guy whose only rhetorical device involves a noun, a verb, and banks are bad is gonna lead some revolution to usher in socialism. But when it comes to reparations and specific policy to aid black people, suddenly an avowed socialist gets cold feet about the redistribution of wealth! But get your pats on the head from your DSA homeboys though


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
It took you over ten hours to come back with that dikk riding bullshyt??
We not alt right but we see your playbook. Bernie will repeat his poor performance with Southern blacks and his online sycophants will attack black people as alt righters or bots, just because you idiots hitched your star to a guy who has no idea how to accomplish any of his goals. Be mad that you dikk riding a loser who despite 30 years of being in Congress, has only managed to name post offices. But this is the guy whose gonna implement single payer, enact a green new deal and break up the big banks? Bernies not a wonk like Warren, where is his policy proposals and plans despite him running for President for the last three years? He doesnt have any policy papers on his website, no plans, no proposals but yet you morons think that a guy whose only rhetorical device involves a noun, a verb, and banks are bad is gonna lead some revolution to usher in socialism. But when it comes to reparations and specific policy to aid black people, suddenly an avowed socialist gets cold feet about the redistribution of wealth! But get your pats on the head from your DSA homeboys though

Yep - took me 10 hours to come up with that. Really.

...As real as reparations in fact, which are surely right around the corner.

I didn’t read past that first sentence though. I don't read walls of text that start with insults, idiot.

Glad you wasted your time, though.:umad:


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
Plus in rural areas, the cops are a half hour away when you need home protection.

These people (playing dumb) know what Sanders is talking about.

UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE -- we deserve it, and most other industrialized nations ALREADY have it
FREE HIGHER EDUCATION -- because once upon a time, it was ILLEGAL to teach you to READ

The alt-right ADOS voter suppression movement is coming after Bernie on theColi now, because they don't want you to have universal health care and free higher education. Instead, they want to keep the klansman in the white house.

Personally, I say Chicago should have guns too. It's their own fukking problem if they can't handle them.


We do. I have a FOID card and a conceal carry license. His statement was tone deaf. You Bernie Bros need to do better accepting criticism of him.


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
We do. I have a FOID card and a conceal carry license. His statement was tone deaf. You Bernie Bros need to do better accepting criticism of him.

I'm not a "bernie bro". I don't have a fanboy bone in my body.

I just recognize that Medicare for All and free higher education are a real opportunity for me and mine (people who value independence and education), as well as for black people and all americans. And that's the core of Bernie Sanders agenda.

Bernie Sanders has the right agenda. None of the other candidates have such a substantive agenda, and none have been talking about these things as long. If you're so proud of all this supposed push in our community to get all these degrees, you should be clamoring to make it easier to get those degrees, minus the mountains of debt. Like judo -- take advantage of the momentum (if it's real).

He also wants to get rid of private prisons, which are an abomination.

Can you imagine -- an industry that lobbies for harsher sentences so that they can make more money? ...In bed with a political party that wants to keep weed illegal, keep you uneducated, let racist cops run roughshod, backed by people who think enslavement is just the natural place for your kids?

Is there anything I've gotten wrong there?

Let me get it straight: You don't feel insulted by having those types in power? And you ARE insulted by that innocuous single sentence by Sanders, in spite of the obvious context?

Honestly, you guys have me wondering whether Kanye was right when he said "slavery was a choice". Given how SLACK and lackadaisical you are about getting the nazi out of the white house, maybe Kanye was right. Some slaves were probably just "comfortable" with their position, and the ADOS movement, given its timing, shows the "DOS" apple doesn't fall far from the tree.



Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
Honestly, you guys have me wondering whether Kanye was right when he said "slavery was a choice". Given how SLACK and lackadaisical you are about getting the nazi out of the white house, maybe Kanye was right. Some slaves were probably just "comfortable" with their position, and the ADOS movement, given its timing, shows the "DOS" apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


fukk outta here, you're a Bernie Bro. You sound just like them condescending idiots. And NOT being a Bernie fan doesn't mean you're for Trump unless you're implying he is the only one who beat Trump which is exactly some shyt a Bernie Bro would say. I call yall MAGA lite.


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
fukk outta here, you're a Bernie Bro. You sound just like them condescending idiots. And NOT being a Bernie fan doesn't mean you're for Trump unless you're implying he is the only one who beat Trump which is exactly some shyt a Bernie Bro would say. I call yall MAGA lite.


"Bernie Sanders has the right agenda. None of the other candidates have such a substantive agenda, and none have been talking about these things as long. If you're so proud of all this supposed push in our community to get all these degrees, you should be clamoring to make it easier to get those degrees, minus the mountains of debt. Like judo -- take advantage of the momentum (if it's real)."

"You're a Bernie Bro. You're just like the MAGA guys. It's not what you said, it's the way you sound..."


Dec 16, 2015
The main reason White people buy guns is because they are afraid of Black people and government tyranny. That's the main reason. 3 percent of the population own half the guns in the USA.

Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?

The way that criminals get guns is not by buying them from a store. They get them from these all Pro-Gun states and they smuggle them.

A gang member from Chicago is more likely would have gotten his gun from Georgia or Vermont or any other state with lax gun laws.
Criminals don't get their guns from sporting good stores. The gun trade is international.

Bernie Sanders just said, us good White people want to keep our guns and the rest of you can give it up because we are responsible law abiding gun owners.

Meanwhile all these states with crappy gun laws are funnelling guns all over the country.

Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
I'm not a "bernie bro". I don't have a fanboy bone in my body.

I just recognize that Medicare for All and free higher education are a real opportunity for me and mine (people who value independence and education), as well as for black people and all americans. And that's the core of Bernie Sanders agenda.

Bernie Sanders has the right agenda. None of the other candidates have such a substantive agenda, and none have been talking about these things as long. If you're so proud of all this supposed push in our community to get all these degrees, you should be clamoring to make it easier to get those degrees, minus the mountains of debt. Like judo -- take advantage of the momentum (if it's real).

He also wants to get rid of private prisons, which are an abomination.

Can you imagine -- an industry that lobbies for harsher sentences so that they can make more money? ...In bed with a political party that wants to keep weed illegal, keep you uneducated, let racist cops run roughshod, backed by people who think enslavement is just the natural place for your kids?

Is there anything I've gotten wrong there?

Let me get it straight: You don't feel insulted by having those types in power? And you ARE insulted by that innocuous single sentence by Sanders, in spite of the obvious context?

Honestly, you guys have me wondering whether Kanye was right when he said "slavery was a choice". Given how SLACK and lackadaisical you are about getting the nazi out of the white house, maybe Kanye was right. Some slaves were probably just "comfortable" with their position, and the ADOS movement, given its timing, shows the "DOS" apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Just like a disingenuous smug piece of shyt to compare people who want redress for a historical wrong to actual slaves. I see you have learned well at the feet of your white progressive betters. But yall see this shyt here? As soon as he got pushback on his universal solutions to race specific problems, the so called black Bernie bro had no problem calling us uneducated slaves who just lack the mental capacity to see that Lord Bernie should have our vote. Notice how little he engages with the actual substance of arguments but instead keeps pushing universalism almost as if he's reading from a script, the black agenda essentially reduced to universal healthcare, private prisons ( of which most are administered on the state level Bernie bro) and free fukking college. He in the same breath dismisses reparations as unrealistic but he's willing to tilt at the windmills of single payer and free college. Again, imagine the absurdity of a socialist suddenly getting cold feet at programs and redistribution of wealth aimed at the people who lag behind every metric in American life. Imagine possessing the unawareness and thinking this is a winning argument to take online.
See the wild Bernie Bro folks, online and in its natural form, reducing race specific and historical problems of inequality to a false narrative that class trumps race in America. Imagine being this naive and stupid when practically every compromise in American history sold out black interests in favor of white solidarity. Bravo to you for being so stupid and ahistorical.