Her child should be financially fine if she manages her money well. The problem comes in when the women who have the funds to be an effective single mother, encourage the women who do not have the funds to do it too. It is similar to children from well to do families being fine, no matter how poorly they performed in school and no matter the number of non-tragic mistakes they have made. They will in the end most likely be fine, but the children from poorer families do not have the leeway to make as many mistakes, because there is no real safety net for them like the one possessed by children of well to do families.
This is why the concept of Noblesse oblige is helpful, but unfortunately our people reject the idea under the guise of rejecting respectability politics. Those of us who are doing better hold a responsibility to project a better pathway for those of us who are not doing as well. Essentially projecting an ideology of respect for ourselves and each other, knowing that the safety net we have in place is not and can not be in place for everyone else.
Respectability is not important for the image non-Blacks have of us. They will think what they want about us to make them feel better. No, it is for the image we have of ourselves. A better image of ourselves allows for us to have better relationships with each other. Making our combined upliftment of each other an easier task to perform. The more Noble we see each other, the more respect we have for each other, the more worthy we consider each other of our attention and actions. The better we are to each other in the end, which is far more important than how any non-Black group sees us.