My comment is entirely rooted in kayfabe and I don't think people understand that.
Jade is more of a "when I walk into a room, everybody in this bytch is looking my way" presence than Bianca is, and that's not to say Bianca isn't a head-turner as she most certainly is.
Bianca's gimmick still boils down to "whatever competition you can think of, I'm the best at it." Jade walks in, you have somebody who you could say on looks alone is superior to Bianca, or at the very least can spark a discussion about it. I hope they write it in a way that doesn't just boil down to jealousy, but until otherwise proven I am not giving the WWE the benefit of the doubt to do anything but that.
To that end, Bianca has put in too much work to be the face of the WWE women's division. She does the appearances, she's confident yet humble, she's great in the ring, and she can be pointed to as a direct reason why the WWE has been able to tap into new fan demographics. She has done everything right and as pointed out, she's definitely a more natural face than Jade. Yet she's tasked with being the good sis to Jade as she learns and grows, who is most likely being groomed to replace her (and Naomi, who is another person who has been passed over and probably walked so Bianca could run).
Anyone else with Bianca's gimmick, ability and presentation would be focused solely on being world champion and would be positioned as the standard bearer of the division.
The EST is not meant to be holding hands but that's where they put her. Hence my comment about how in the WWE world, Bianca stopped being special when Jade showed up. Bianca decided "Aight bet" and chose to remind folks what the deal is, which is that she's 1 of 1 and nobody's stopping that train, most of all herself.
And given how the attack on Jade looked, Bianca is one of the few people who could conceivably throw Jade around like that because of said gimmick and shows of strength in the past.