the team angle tracksuits aren't available for sale
The “New” DX feauturing HBK and Hunter
Owen being forced to go up on those rafters
Summer of Punk 2011 being ruined by HHH/Nash
RVD not getting that main event push during the Invasion
HHH vs Booker T Wrestlemania 19
They way they booked punk after MITB. Especially having HHH go over clean when Punk was at his highest.
The delayed cover after the pedigree
All of the blatant racist c00nery shyt over the years
HHH Booker T
Punk post MITB
Punks exit
Not giving Henry the strap on the fake retirement
Stacy not doing playboy
Carlito or Shelton Benjamin not being world or Wwe champions in 05-06
Dudes were solid for different reasons and I believe if they got that battery in their back before they seemingly stopped caring could still have been stars in Wwe today
2 cold scorpio not holding a belt in the WWE
my boo having her streak ended by Charlotte :asukaplease:
Also, Sasha Banks never successfully defending the women's title.
I'm noticing a trend of HHH being in everybody post
Rikishi Wear tracksuits aren't available for sale
Wasnt like you couldnt block or counter it.....Running ass Nikkagoldberg's basic running move being the spear in wcw/nwo revenge