I've been pretty disappointed at Will Smith's career from the mid 2000's onward. He's such a talented guy, but it seemed like he never really took a role too far outside the box that seemed risky or pushing what he's capable of. That might sound a little bit unfair, and he's one of the best at the types of roles he's comfortable in, but I really would've loved to see him play a villain or something different.Hanks can definitely do it.
I'm not sure Will Smith can convince me he's a full on bad guy.
I always heard he was considered for Django. I'm glad it was Jamie and not Will, but even a role like that is something I would've liked to have seen Will give a shot.
I guess it's not too late, but I just kind of have a feeling that if it hasn't happened by now, that it won't happen.
A guy like Will Smith simply has too much natural charisma to ever pull off being a legit villain. It would take either one hell of a script or one hell of an actor in the hero role for anyone to actively root against Will during a film.
I think someone can be a convincing villain and be charismatic. Heath's Joker had charisma. Bill from Kill Bill had charisma. Hans in Die Hard had charisma. And none of them felt non-threatening or incapable to me.

I get what you mean, though. Will has that bubbly and cheerful kind of charisma.