Threat. He was down with Cube and was a member of the Lench Mob. Put out a great album called Sikinnahead. Great production and rhymes. Classic westcoast. Don't know what happened to him.
Threat. He was down with Cube and was a member of the Lench Mob. Put out a great album called Sikinnahead. Great production and rhymes. Classic westcoast. Don't know what happened to him.
Yep. Same with DJ Ant I believe. I just mentioned him cause no one really talks about Slug or Atmosphere on here.
Infact. This is probably one of the better threads in the booth in ages. An actual hip hop discussion thread about real rappers and not mumbling ass lean drinking trap beat flavor of the month fare.
damn near the south's dilla imo
he lived here in the memphis area for a minute, did a show and killed it, real humble and talented cat
I'm from RG, so I know exactly what you mean on that. The Coli has a bunch of Wendy Williams fairy fukk nikkas based on all the threads that get the most daps on there.
"But, but, but... I thought the Coli had an 'NO SWIRLIES POLICY'!?"props for even acknowledging Atmosphere and overlooking Slug being mixed. He brings so much individuality to a region like the Midland, that only gets represented by Illinois and Michigan, and sometimes Ohio.