Whoever said Atmosphere/Slug do a search, I've made quite a few Atmosphere threads, even an appreciation/discussion thread, may have missed it.
Brother Ali also made a lot of threads about.
Atmosphere have made some great music, and their style is pretty unique unique too overall with what they bring mixed together.I wasn't around yet when that appreciation thread came out. I'm just surprised his name doesn't come up in other discussions hardly at all. It's true that he makes suburban-sounding music, but I don't know anybody with his combination of skills and fan base that's talked about as little here as he is.
It took me a while to get into him, there was this Korean dude who was always bumping him in this Compton/Gardena cafe near where I used to live where I'd go to get free internet. I didn't really pay much attention at first and treated it like background music, but then when I started paying attention to the words for once...shyt. Saying that it was rap for people with life experience is there - he got me with the deep thoughts about real shyt in life.
Afu Ra was dope...Primo giving one of his all time best beats to All City
fukk Group Home for wasting other all timer beats
Afu Ra
Premier loved giving sorry ass rappers beats