Last i recall back in the 80's and 90's it was haitians that were being beaten and jumped just for being haitian. And what group was doing it, again?
So now you want every haitian just greet "the blacks" as you said it, with open arms and a smile?

I'll admit black americans make up the largest group of my friends now but thats mostly here in GA and I also made a lot of friends among "the blacks" in the military. But prior to that when i first lived in Miami the perception of young "the blacks" was they are out to jump you and rob you and that's not from watching TV. Thats what I was seeing with my own eyes every day.
I was jumped once by 3 yankees over a $15 walkman. During the fight i managed to hit one of them and broke his nose. They still managed give me a black eyeand a busted lip and grab my walkman and run for it. Next time i went to the playground i found out that the one who's nose got broken came back with his older brothers with guns looking for meeven tho it was he and his boys that attacked me. Now, i could have been the typical ignorant mofo and not associate with "the blacks" at all after that. But my parent thaught me better than to judge an entire group by the actions of a few.