The only thing you've ever read where I'm critiquing Tariq has always been in relation to Tariq attempting to bring his personal diaspora war into Hip Hop and the Tariq dikk riders who ignore that part because they are either oblivious to Hip Hop culture and history because Hip Hop doesn't separate ethnicities like Tariq does. I fux with Tariq but like, how I fux with both Drake and Kendrick but loathe a Kendrick or Drake super dikk rider. Similarly, I seriously hate Tariq dikk riders and parrots. Like how I can't stand the "FBA's created Hip Hop" trope when Jamaican born King Charles was right there in the beginning with Grand Master Flowers in the late 60's. Dudes just repeating a talking point that's debunkable. As a Hip Hop head, I can't stand these frauds who never gave a shyt about 70's Hip Hop all of a sudden pretending like who was there in the beginning is such a big deal. That's why I presented the statement in that Microphone Check thread: "If all you can do is say FBAs created Hip Hop but you can't name 5 prominent figures in 70's Hip Hop not named Herc, Bambatta or Flash, then you are full of shyt." My stance is the preservation of the history based on the elements not ethnicity. There's the Birth(early 70's) and there's the development ( late 70's/early 80's). Hip Hop itself wasn't named "Hip Hop" in it's birth, FACTS. One of it's primary names in the birth was "Jam." "Jam" was a term still being used by the early 80's. But by the time Hip Hop was developed, it was named 'Hip Hop' and yes, that is when Puerto Ricans started to get involved. The same way Puerto Ricans came later in Hip Hops development, so did graffiti. Graffiti was not there in Hip Hop's birth either. Graffiti came later in it's development. But notice how you never EVER hear the argument of "But but but but graffiti wasn't there during the birth of Hip Hop." Go figure.
Mack Lessons Tariq was legendary. Hidden Colors Tariq was special. Lets keep it a buck, "Diaspora War" Tariq is on some other shyt. Joe was correct about him being on some racist separatist bullshyt. Those thumbnails on his Youtube page depicting West Indians and Africans looks like something straight outta 4ch@n. Trump says Haitians are eating pets and immediately right after, Tariq makes a video depicting Africans as exotic animal eaters with flies around their faces but how dare Joe say this is radical & racist:
Hip Hop would never mock Africans in such a manner. Hip Hop had a beautiful Afrocentric era in the late 80's/early 90's where dashikis, kufi's and African medallions were a thing. Depicting Africans in a manner similar to a white racist has never ever been a thing in Hip Hop so yeah, I'm gonna call his antics out every day all day because it has no place anywhere near Hip Hop. You can never be an advocate for Hip Hop doing this kind of racist nonsense. But the Tariq worshippers in this thread want me to ignore that video and the many others similar to it because they don't really give a shyt about how this isn't a good representation of someone who is supposed to be this advocate for Hip Hop. According to them, Fat Joe is bad for calling stuff like this out but Tariq's racist video depicting Africans as bush eaters isn't a red flag at all so ignore it and hate on Joe instead.