It’s simple, if you had a white friend in the crew and a stranger asked him:
Do you think slavery was bad? Do you say the N word?
And he gave a non-answer, you’d never look at him the same, because you’d understand what it means right then and there.
If you had a girl and she asked:
Do you believe men should be legally able to force sex during a marriage? (rape)
And you gave her a non-answer, she’d never look at you the same.
The types of Black men that JBP represents, that be playing #BothSides..
Are ALWAYS fiercer, harsher and more disrespectful to Democrats, while tippy toeing when it comes to Republicans. It’s intentional..
They represent very SPECIFIC type of KOONS. I’ve said it before:
There’s a couple very SPECIFIC type of male KOONS.
The contrarian: The one that thinks going against any mainstream understood, accepted and integrated science
makes them intelligent.
Like being a Flat Earther while also using GPS to move around,
which is a contradiction within itself, since its technology is built
on the fundamental understanding that the Earth is a sphere.
The BothSider, the one that thinks being on “both sides” of an argument is a testament of intellect. They’ll hear about a woman being raped while wearing a short skirt and say:
“well, I can see both sides.. She shouldn’t have been raped,
but hey when you wear a short skirt as a woman then yeah..”
The reason those types of Black men don’t go in on Trump like that
if even at all, is because of what Trump represents:
The pinnacle of power in AmeriKKKa, the unchecked white man.
The embodiment of “white Patriarchy” in America.
nikkas don’t wanna talk about Patriarchy and get annoyed, bc they don’t understand it at its core to understand they’re harmed by it daily.
America is founded on and still is controlled by the system of white Patriarchy specifically.
Oppression from THAT is something those types of Black men that JBP nikkas represent, socially accept and condone as a norm.
Kamala is the literal living embodiment of the opposite.
The White man vs the Black woman.
That’s why they respect Trump’s authority enough to be quiet and play on the fence about him saying things they never woulda allowed anyone else to say.
While goin in on the tiniest things relating to Kamala.
They reinforce that white Patriarchal form of White Supremacy by
letting the average unchecked white man run free of accountability:
vs making the overqualified Black woman prove herself worthy.
And it doesn’t mean Kamala woulda been perfect.
Far from it, plenty of things coulda been better.
But the problem is the double-standards them type nikkas adhere to and how they rationalize them against Kamala in favor for Trump.
Marc Lamont Hill brilliantly illustrated that hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance on the show.
Mel does it regularly too, but again.. they don’t respect Mel because she’s a woman and jump her as a collective with misogynistic jokes.
They only respect it coming from Marc Lamont Hill,
bc it’s coming from
another man.
Which is one of the core issues in and of itself.
They THINK this behavior is normal, bc they’ve been conditioned to respect men more, especially white men bc of how white Patriarchy has conditioned them to navigate the social hierarchy of
White women navigate White Patriarchy by protecting it, simply bc their social position gets enough benefits that they trade it off by throwing all the other groups under the bus. Even if it comes at the expense of certain things like abortian rights.
This behavior of white women in modern times isn’t surprising given their historical role and behavior during Slavery and the Women’s Suffrage movement.
Where they were under White male rulership too..
All while oppressing all the others underneath THEM bc they got benefits in the social hierarchy by being loyal to the white Patriarchal system of Whiteness that white men built
AmeriKKKa on.