Myron from FreshandFit Exposed? Telling Girls they Have to Smash..

Aug 14, 2015
The Caribbean

Dude the nikkaz who was scammed out of $500 at the Fresh &Fit 100k subscriber's party,I dont feel sorry for them at all.Yall talking advice from one nikka that has a stuttering problem and face look like a crunchball ,you telling me his dumb ass can walk out of a club and bag 10s in one of the most competitive markets(Miami) in the country? Like cmon b only incels,nikkaz who scared to say hi to a woman,and young teens would take these lame ass nikkaz advice to heart.The problem is in this day and age the media told.these kids you can have it all so these no game having ass nikkas feel like they deserve to get 10s ..shyt we all think we should get tens but doesn't mean we going to get it.The viewers on the show giving money from $5 upward to $100 to give props on Fit bashing these bird brains hoes.To me this is like some weird ass shyt incel fetish shyt...

I've only recently realized with how successful a lot of these redpill channels get, particularly the ones that focus more on downing women than the ones holding men accountable and encouraging self-improvement, is that they still stuck rueing their high schools selves/experience and they carry it through life. People that run these red pill channels know this and I think orient their content targeting this kind of person.

I shared a video earlier in the thread of a financial YouTuber that basically breaks down the whole red pill mentality as teaching nikkas how to be tricks at different levels and I gotta agree. Hypergamy didn't just come about. Even in medieval times peseant women used to dream about princes, but as it was pointed out to me (can't remember who), cars have only really existed a little past a century ago and in less time have been available to the everyday person, so only somewhat recently in human history have women been able to explore options outside they hometown/city they live in to go find the prince they feel they deserve. Dating apps is more or less another avenue for women trying to find they 'prince'.

I long stopped paying attention to KS, but I think his core message is telling people where they stand in life and either accepting it or accepting they have to improve. The entertainment part is roasting women and feeding into the redpill part of his audience